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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:30 pm
by Mr.DeadLegs
Good to see you back. Hope to see you in a couple of weeks.


Sent this out to Detonator

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:42 pm
by CaroleW.
It's funny that name - organizer. :lol: I have info as far as what happens. People just make their way down and once there, make it happen. Sweetwater is open but most camping is closed this time of year. Check the posts to be sure. We have no set agenda. So far, some are in motels (Katie, Tom) , some are renting cabins in the mountains (Al, Liz, Steward, Gail, Paula, Eric) Marko, Paul, Junior Paul, Gigi, Andrew and I are crashing Louie's and a few are crashing in "Dick and Dopey"'s back yard.

No matter what, get there and good chance you'll see an open boat somewhere to get info. Many of us invade the Dinner Bell restaurant first thing in the morning - all you can eat grease.


Warm-up for ALF 2008

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:46 am
by mtalbot
I'll be heading for Lenoir TN early next week - tue or wed. Woud definitely stop in MD if some of you would be interested in running the Yough with me.

You would have to know the river - I only ran it once, on my way to the Gauley Fest. In fact, any class III-IV river that crosses a (more or less) straight line between Montréal and Lenoir would also be an option.

Also - anybody planning the run the Ocoee during/after ALF 2008?

So what time can boaters be seen at the Dinner Bell

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:53 am
by Wendy

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:08 pm
by Gail R
Hiya Carole,

Organizer? thought that was an outlawed term? :lol:

so the dinner bell might be a good spot to do a drive by at 10ish in the morning to look for that what y'all are saying :wink:

Eric and Paula can't make it this year. We'll touch base with you next week and let you know where everybody is staying. Just in case you want to come out and visit. There's 5 cabins and one condo rented in the Seiverville to Gatlinburg corridor
Including the kids there's about 29 Canadians and one token south north american...... thinking of bringing him a touque and a Labats 50 to help him acilimatize. We should have his accent converted in due course.
Every one is so looking forward to meeting up with the Southern boaters

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:29 am
by yarnellboat
Regrets from BC, though there was some talk about it; then we found out where Tennessee is!

Looking forward to stories & photos though. :cry:



Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:36 pm
by Jon
starts Saturday March 9.

Great timing Louie. Thanks.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:44 pm
by Al Greve
We'll leave first thing Saturday morning as its not anywhere near as long of a drive for us as it is for the gang from Ottawa 8) well show up down there mid afternoon. For those doing the same as us ( driving Saturday ) and those coming off the river, where we'll we meet up? My cell # is 519-614-1668, the On Star in the truck is # 519-857-7911

Ok so whats up with the weather

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:00 pm
by cmnypny
Just checked the forecast for Pigeon Forge.

They must be expecting us Northern People.

How does it go from +13C now to +2C and snow on saturday.

[b]Boat Ride from ALF to Virginia[/b]

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:55 pm
by aargh
Hey mateys--

if it works for the seller, I may try to arrange a boat handoff at ALF.

Is anyone coming back up I-81 afterwards? If you'd be willing to carry an extra boat (C1) back, I would like to arrange a handoff somewhere convenient in the Radford/Christiansburg/Blacksburg area.

Let me know if you would be willing to help a poor old pirate with sore knees to get a new boat.



Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:37 am
by sbroam
By now certainly SOMEBODY has pictures to post for those of us stuck not paddling...

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:35 am
by Taniwha
Yeah, right, pictures please.

I wish everybody attending ALF this year a great time. I wish I could be there with you. It looks like water is even better than last year.

But is there no photographer with you who has webspace to upload pics?


Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:08 pm
by Louie
I'll ask. Falk so far this week for me. Treemont (low) Crooked Fork ( high), Little (med), Cheoah ( med) and today Tellico (low). Daddies and Watagua on list for rest of week and Cheoah and Ocoee run Sat or Sunday. You came one year to early. I got you a sticker cause you was here in spirit.

Louiefest is AWESOME

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:11 pm
by billcanoes
So I went out on Friday and met Andy for a run on clear creek which had water in the brush...

then JC, Sandy, Kevin, Jack, Stu, Dan, Dave, Doug and I ran Craborchard Saturday SNOWING!!!!

JC, Sandy, Kevin, Jack, Stu, Dan, Dave, Doug and I ran Whites Creek on Sunday

JC, Sandy, Kevin, Jack, Stu, Mick, Kevin, Dave, Doug and I ran Crooked Fork on Monday

JC, Sandy, Kevin, Jack, Stu, Mick, Kevin, Chris and I ran Daddy's on Tuesday...

All the trip reports are essentially the same except for the snow on Saturday- BUT Louiefest is amazing, because you get to paddle pristine rivers, with amazing cliffs and remote beauty, coupled with great rapids, and meet some exceptional boaters. If you can make it -it's definately worth the drive, there should always be an intermediate and advanced trip, and some beginner trips too. It's also a good place to take a step up, maybe not a giant step, but a step up none the less, because everyone is eager to help out the newer folks, plus if you ask, as I did you can get some good pointers too.

look forward to next year!

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:11 am
by PAC
Now Bill we KNOW you have a camera! :wink: Paul C.