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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:08 am
by Smurfwarrior
No worries Tommy.
We can do all that you mentioned, right here, and we happen to do it all the time. This isn't my house, so I try to obey the rules set by those nice enough to put all this together for us. Finding this site got me back into an open boat. To me, that says a lot and I'm thankful for that. Louie has shared a ton of his knowledge on here and has helped put things in perspective for me. He'll be missed and I too am sorry to see him go like that. If only.....

I think we just all need to be considerate and not try to poke people in the eye for fun, thats all. Ok, back to my boring csquirt stuff. Peace

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:24 am
by Mr.DeadLegs
Looks like Louies antagonist was booted as well. Doesn't seem like anyone really gives a darn that she is gone

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:32 am
by Creeker
I'm pretty sure I had a point against needless Censorship and the admins here backed me on that point......don't hold that against me shep. These guys administering the site are just guys...they listen and what you say is taken into consideration. But clearly you can't force their hand unless they agree with what is being said.

This whole reaction to Louie is nutz.....understandable....but nutz.
Louie was the voice I enjoyed by far the most on this site. The dolldrums are ahead.

Now if I hadn't read all the posts by everyone tonight I might have finished up my video edit. :evil:

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:25 am
by fez
I`m tired of all that whining.

Be men. Carry it like men.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:26 am
by sbroam
FullGnarlzOC wrote:...
I do take issue on stuff like this (moderation) because I think that it's hurtful to the sport (which is messing with my MO). That's just my opinion tho.

Asking folks to be civil and enforcing that is hurtful? Really?

Adding to a looong thread

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:37 pm
by Jim
In the past I boated with a club and with some groups of boaters that regularly boated together. All of these had their own culture. If you want to paddle with them you go along with the “rules” of their culture.

One group I paddled with liked to drink beer on their river runs. If you want to run a river with them, but spend the whole trip complaining about drinking, it gets pretty tedious. After a while you will not get the call about the next gathering on the river.

Different approaches to boating are not right or wrong, they are just different. The same for sites about boating.

Another point- I do a lot of work with organizations that rely on volunteers. Complaining about the work of volunteers is offensive, unless you are doing a lot more volunteer work than they are.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:48 pm
by philcanoe
Someone die, never the shear utter nonsense concerning an at least semi-functional still breathing person?

“'Tis but a scratch'- 'A scratch?! Your arm's off!' - 'No, it isn't.'”

As a oft attacked, primary target, I had grown tired of the constant non-stop barrage, the lowering of genteel deep southern charm, and the most dastardly of vernacular toward skirt wearing paddlers. One can hear that garbage enough with a quick Ocoee or Tellico stop. For those who can't make the trip, there's always that ever-growing online collection of most grandiloquent video. For the truly bereaved, there's rumor of a forum or two with no standards.

  • You better watch out,
    You better not cry,
    Better not pout,
    I'm telling you why:
    The GDI may come - to your to town.

    He's making a list,
    And checking it twice;
    Gonna find out
    Who's naughty and nice.
    The GDI may come - to your to town.

    He sees you when you're sleeping.
    He knows when you're awake.
    He knows if you've been bad or good,
    So be good for goodness sake!

    Oh, you better watch out!
    You better not cry.
    Better not pout,
    I'm telling you why:
    The GDI may come - to your to town.
    The GDI may come - to your to town.

And to all :) A good-night.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:28 pm
by cheajack
This thread reminds me of a skit George Carlin did in response to being censored by the FCC in the early 70's. The seven words you can't say on the air:

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:30 pm
by smbjs
Can't help but think you guys just shot yourselves in the foot!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:09 pm
by gumpy
so after 4 pages of posts, is the answer still ZERO?


Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:22 pm
by Big Al
My experience paddlin w/Luis:

Headed down from PA to Nantahala and NOC in "02, maybe my 2nd year of WW solo paddlin in a Shaman and my WV paddlin bud in his Probe 12, aslo 2nd year (he no longer paddles).
After not enjoying a frigid river, a v/cold NOC swap, and a snowy night in the Smokies(a gallon jug of water froze solid on the park bench next to our tent), we headed over to the Ocoee where we met up by accident with this cool older (? --actually, I believe I am older) guy open boater who said he was a proboater for Dagger. He offered to show us the lines for some beer -- Iron City, of course, which we had plenty. He was thrilled with the Iron City.
Very nice gent.

Big Al

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:35 pm
by old
Dudes, Dudes, Dudes(shaking head and looking at ground)........?

We went to Louis' and got a canoe out of his shed while he slept one time! We're good at that sorta thing.

Y'all need to remember, in the words of the great Lynyrd Skynyrd " A southern man don't need him around any how!"

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:30 pm
by yarnellboat
Yup, I agree, repeat threads on things that have been asked-and-answered over and over again many times are BORING. Very true. Especially when it's the same few people re-hashing their same 'ol arguments. Not good for the sport. Why should everyone else have to suffer through all that stale, repetitive baloney?!

Hey wait! That describes this topic :oops:

We know what the rules are, and we makes our choices.


Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:42 pm
by kenneth
I actually broke into a laugh reading your post, thanks yarnellboat. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:46 pm
by OhCeeOne
OK for instance take Phil Foti. I've heard of him for years but never met him until recently when he just happened to be at the put in when the GDI arrived. Now I had a mental picture of what Phil would be like and I hope this isn't taken the wrong way, but the real Phil aint what you see here on the internet. Which brings me back to the intent of the original post. I just wanted to see if the Admins even knew Louie and how he is in person. If he aint yellin at ya or causing a ruckus you better check his pulse. That's just the way he is. How can you fault a guy for being so true to himself? How can you ban a man from posting on a forum that probably wouldn't exist(or at least be nearly as popular)without him? :roll: