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Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:08 pm
by philcanoe
Smurfwarrior wrote:I drove through Colorado to paddle at ALF, you don't hear me complaining. :roll: Also, complaining because Facebook gets used to help plan a get together is kinda silly. Its not like you have to pay to sign up. :roll: :roll:

California would be cool, I've wanted to hit the Kern area for quite some time. Maybe incorporate a get together at the American River Festival?
well: from

About CBoats: [ learn more about cboats ] is the world's most popular on-line community of open and decked whitewater canoeists.

And with facebook, you get more looks ???

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:51 pm
by Smurfwarrior
Phil- not being exclusive to just Cboats isn't a crime. We are using FB to help keep track of registration. Cross posting keeps those informed who don't come here, for whatever reason.

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:02 pm
by Cheeks
I'm super excited for an event like this. I hope I'm at a place in my life where I can come out and join in the fun. Gotta head west!

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:22 pm
by Smurfwarrior
Would love to have positive individuals like yourself come share the river with us. Hope you make it!

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:08 pm
by Hans Vidkjer
John, Larry - I'm with you. If I'm counting right, the Payettes is a 1000 mile r/t for us - :o.
'Course the Kern is almost that far, too, or maybe it just feels that way.

How about a 1 day South Fork American Gorge armada? A fun, intermediate run, welcoming to all, with other good runs nearby for extracurricular activities. Three of us so far - I'm fully confident I can find 3 more c-boaters out here, so heck, there's the makings of a west coast style c-boats armada right there!

We could call it "Ain't AFF*"
*administration, fees, facebook

or how about "Occupy the South Fork!"

Sometime in late May/June?

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:22 am
by Pierre LaPaddelle
Larry Horne wrote:. . . damned if i'm gonna drive 12 hours. . . to go boating :roll:
Ah, yess. . . This confirms a well documented geographical law -- "It's much further to drive from south to north than it is to drive from north to south."

(BTW, I observed and confirmed this personally last year, while living 7 hours north of Vancouver. It was much easier for me to drive south to paddle in Washington state than it was for Vancouverites to drive north to paddle with us in the Interior. And the Payettes? I drove by them on my way from central BC to Utah, to paddle wit Smurf.)

This geographical phenomenon explains why it appears the Yukoners may be more interested in attending WestFest '12 than the Californians. :wink:

WestFest will be as great as the diversity of the paddlers who attend. Hope to see y'all there!


Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:05 am
by Larry Horne
kind of manipulated my quote there, but that's cool :wink:

it's not really about the drive at all, it has more to do with what's between here and there.... The Sierras. :D

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:46 am
by truckeeboater
I'm down for a SoFo gorge mini armada anytime! I've run down there a bunch so I know it well, and would be willing to help with shuttle or other logistics for folks who may be less familiar with the area. Let's just keep it fun and civil guys! :D

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:14 am
by Larry Horne
there's also the north fork american. I know that's what hanz really wants to get on this year and we're gonna make it happen :)

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:48 pm
by truckeeboater
North fork is a little over my head right now, but if the timing is right I can run shuttle. I just love that canyon!

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:55 pm
by Larry Horne
the good news is there are usually lots of options in the area.

but fyi- if you can shred the south fork american with ease, then the north fork american (at the right flows) is totally reasonable. South Yuba E-P is an even better step if it's running. it's a little bit easier than the NF. heck i might even dig out my open boat.
..can I borrow some float bags :wink:

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:59 pm
by yarnellboat
I took the liberty of starting a separate thread for you California guys. Sounds like some good runs! I need to look at a map.


Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:18 am
by Larry Horne
Smurfwarrior wrote:I drove through Colorado to paddle at ALF, you don't hear me complaining. :roll: Also, complaining because Facebook gets used to help plan a get together is kinda silly. Its not like you have to pay to sign up. :roll: :roll:

California would be cool, I've wanted to hit the Kern area for quite some time. Maybe incorporate a get together at the American River Festival?
that wasn't complaining man, that was me ruffling your feathers :) you shouldn't take this stuff too seriously.

come on out sometime in may-june and beat me up. :)

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:29 am
by Smurfwarrior
Smootch :lol:

Re: Possible interest building for canoeing?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 3:00 pm
by PAC
Now both WESTFEST and the Southern Cal posts are "Sticky" posts. Let us know if this needs changed. Note: The Southern event needs a tag name that matches the others in hip’ness!

It’s great to C folks pulling these "gathering" together. I’m hope both happen (it’s up to you folks to show) and if it’s like the eastern / euro ones they develop lives of their own! Pilgrimages of pleasure, knowledge and fireside lore!

The only downside is that MikeyB is still sitting going WTH… what about me? I’m still SOL! Well…. MikeyB you know where I’m at…

Oh and…. First off you’re not a crappy WW paddler…. Bruce wouldn’t have tagged you as a safety boater last time at the Slip Clinic if that was the case. Second, ANY time you feel like getting your game on come on down. West by God is just down the road. We’ll figure out something to peak your sphincter muscle interest!

I know it’s a long drive but if you can plan road warrioring with others to go to the Armada, ALF or GFest… inexpensive and boat loads of smiles. You’ll be happy that you did!