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Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:50 pm
by ncdavid
Paddled the L'Edge today. Superb. Slow, but fast enough. Heavy. Decked version. Stable. Easy, easy, easy to surf. Surfs dry, spins like crazy. You don't have to fight this boat. I'm not in the market for a new boat. When I am ready for a new boat, it will be a L'Edge or one of Kaz's beauties. Great job, Mr. Smerda.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:49 pm
by Craig Smerda
Here's a little tech tip for people with the decked models.

At the front of the grab handle depressions drill (2) 3/8" holes.

--This helps a bit in draining out water... especially those pesky little drops you can't seem to get out after you've picked it up and rocked it back and forth. Since they are up high and not in the depression water (for the most part) won't drain into them. If you are surfing and bury the bow... you might get a dolphin blast (exhale) though... right Wendy? :lol:

--You can also run a piece of cord with a clip on it to the front loop of your airbag and then pull the airbag completely to the the end of the bow/stern. Shove the remaining cord through the other hole and tie it off on the thwart or to your lacing. (Kind've like a pulley) By doing this the airbag can't slide back or accordian. I use two or three small cheap caribiners on the oppostite end of the airbag loops (cockpit end) to clip the to the lacing so your airbag doesn't shift and so you always have access to the dump valve and blow hose.


FWIW... we didn't think we should be drilling holes in people's brand new boats... but this helps if you want to do it yourself. :wink:

bury the bow.and I got a cool dolphin blast thru the holes

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:07 am
by Wendy

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:20 am
by mex_oc
will we get a chance to test one in the NW some time soon?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:59 pm
by kaz
2011 prices are now in effect.
Open L'edge - $2002.
Decked - $1729.



Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:32 pm
by oc ender
Ok,we had a demo come out our way,but i was unable to try it out with such short notice.Some that tried it liked it and some hated it,but no one loved it.I paddle a c-1 and expect that they struggled with it was because they paddled in the stern to much and not enough forward strokes.It'll lose speed with stern corrections for sure,but a small boat only needs forward,sweeps and cross action,i'm guessing.

First problem was it was way to heavy,they said it felt like a hundred pounds and was really awkward(don't carry it was my responce).Then they reported it was way to slow?difficult peeling out of eddies it was so slow?Trying to ferry was tough,seemed to slow down to quickly without strong strokes to the point they would tire and was swept downstream.Surfing wa snot bad but not great,same as eddying out,they had to force it to turn when entering the eddie,in fact it would travel right thru the eddie if you let it.It seemed so heavy and slow it wouldn't turn easily?

Now,please don't shoot the messenger.I'm only seeking advice now everyone has had some time in the boat.I hope it's all in the paddlers i spoke to.Can you knock these reports out of the park and tell me it;s an excellent,all around boat that surfs well,punches holes well,and best off all has a great "handle" on it to do what you want on the river,not what the river wants you to do.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:53 pm
by Louie
Not sure what those paddler were comin out of, but us back here in skeeters. Fly's Spanish & supers, Quakes, Teaureau, and Preludes love it. don't understand the comment about the corection stroke, how did you mess up to where you needed to correct? Even Foton who don't like any boat he or Frankie didn't design won't say anything bad about nuthin good but nuthin bad from Foton is an accomplishment. I have been in the new boat on anything bigger than the Ocoee so maybe you all were in big water and it is a different story with huge volume, but I was on the Gauley last year in the shoebox version and even that thing wasn't as bad as your guys found it to be. Once again what have these test pilots of your comin out of? It is heavy but not on the water like you said don't carry it besides as thick as it is drag it.

Here is what a fat boy said about it

Ok, so we have heard from some of the best WW open boaters out there regarding their impressions of the L'Edge. Dooley, Dennis, Craig, etc. I believe Craig stated somewhere in one of the posts that the average target weight was somewhere in the 180'ish range. I also think I recall Dooley posting his weight as being near 190-200 lb. and I met Dennis Joes once and he paddled the hades out of his Preludes. I would guess his weight at around 160-170 lbs. Quite certain Craig goes 160's or so. Several people have questioned the using of the L'Edge at their higher weight levels, say 215-235 lbs, myself included. Well folks, I am a mere-mortal "Joe Rec Boat" paddler standing 6'1 and weighing in at 225 lb. plus gear. Craig had mentioned to me that if I liked my Spanish Fly, I would love the L'Edge. I know that he had indeed used the 'Fly as the benchmark for this new Esquif boat. Well, he was right, I DO LOVE this little red boat. Got a little Ocoee in it I think as well. Sure it isn't fast at my weight level, but get it in some class II/III curent and wave trains at it comes to life. Dry,unbelievably stable, snappy. Great at grabbing the smallest of eddys, peel outs, etc. It runs through holes and somehow lifts itself out of them leaving you feeling stable, confident and in control. Front surfs (like you are on cruise control), sidesurfs and 360 spins until you are dizzy (spins almost as easy as the 'Fly BTW). This is the first canoe that performs like a Fly (similar hull shapes) but is open and LOOKS like a WW canoe! (just as you stated Dennis). I have outfitted and paddled Skeeters, Quakes, Fly's, Preludes, Zooms, Detonators, Ocoees and way too many other RX boats to mention and never have any of those left a first impression on me as the L'Edge has. I opted for the open version and IMO the extra 3 bills was worth it. You may decide different, but what ever you do, if you are an experienced paddler and are hesitating to paddle or purchase this boat because you are concerned that you may be over weight for the boat at 225 plus pounds, rest assured I feel you will be plesantly surprised. So what if you gotta cut the knee holes out A LOT more. Do it, grab a stick, jump in and go have some fun! Thanks to Craig and to Esquif for seeing this project through to fruition................"the Boathead".....

All I can Say...

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:29 am
by horizongfx
I ain't found nothing about the boat that I don't like I'm 250 b4 gear !
Nuff said, Now go buy one ! :D :D :D :D


Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:44 am
by oc ender
i'd probably buy one yesterday,'cept i cain't git 'un 'till this friggin' spring!!!???They only ship once a year to us westeners :x

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:37 am
by Louie
Ender the only thing about the new boat I can say I don't know about yet is boofin ability. The Ocoee has a few good boofs but until I get on Tellico with mine where there is six or seven boof I can do blind floded in about any boof I won't know for sure, being as long as it is going to make a difference in boofin but I swear I think in a lot of cases I will be goin toward the boofs faster in the Ledge than I do in the Teaureau.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:41 pm
by Craig Smerda
L'edge Volume = 149 gallons (that's a lot of plastic folks)

Compared to a few popular creeking kayaks advertised specs...

Jackson Villian
•Length: 8’-8”
•Width: 27.0”
•Volume: 92.5 gallons
•Weight: 50 lbs (SL)

Liquid Logic Remix 79
•Length: 8’-11”
•Width: 27.0”
•Volume: 79 gallons
•Weight: 46 lbs

Pyranha Burn L
•Length: 8’-3”
•Width: 27.0”
•Volume: 80.3 gallons
•Weight: 44 lbs

Yep... this boat at 9'-2" x 29"W and 21" at the ends is going to be a bit heavier... I wish it were a bit lighter as well... but that's part of the price you pay for the durability of plastic. FWIW my open version weighs the same as my 8'-9" Spanish Fly with outfitting and airbags in both of them.

Edit... a few more boats

Fluid Solo L
•Length: 8’-0”
•Width: 25.5”
•Volume: 75 gallons
•Weight: 46 lbs

Dagger Nomad L
•Length: 8’-5”
•Width: 26.5”
•Volume: 78 gallons
•Weight: 46 lbs

Wavesport Habitat 80
•Length: 8’-4”
•Width: 25.5”
•Volume: 80 gallons
•Weight: 42 lbs

Bliss-Stick Mystic
•Length: 8’-0”
•Width: 26.0”
•Volume: 73 gallons
•Weight: 47 lbs

Riot Magnum 80
•Length: 8’-4”
•Width: 26.5”
•Volume: 80 gallons
•Weight: 45 lbs

Necky Crux
•Length: 7’-7”
•Width: 25.0”
•Volume: 72 gallons
•Weight: 44 lbs

and lastly... the Robson Finkenmeister
•Length: 9’-2”
•Width: 28.0”
•Volume: 74 gallons
•Weight: 37.48 lbs

Weight a Minuate

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:56 pm
by horizongfx
Craig Smerda wrote:L'edge Volume = 149 gallons (that's a lot of plastic folks)

Compared to a few popular creeking kayaks "advertised specs"...

Jackson Villian
•Length: 8’-8”
•Width: 27.0”
•Volume: 92.5 gallons
•Weight: 50 lbs (SL)

Liquid Logic Remix 79
•Length: 8’-11”
•Width: 27.0”
•Volume: 79 gallons
•Weight: 46 lbs

Pyranha Burn L
•Length: 8’-3”
•Width: 27.0”
•Volume: 80.3 gallons
•Weight: 44 lbs

Yep... this boat at 9'-2" x 29"W and 21" at the ends is going to be a bit heavier... I wish it were a bit lighter as well... but that's part of the price you pay for the durability of plastic. FWIW my open version weighs the same as my 8'-9" Spanish Fly with outfitting and airbags in both of them.
I can live with the weight, Having to not break out the G-Flex and s glass every friday night before paddling trips was getting old !

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:34 am
by Jim Michaud
All that I've been reading is how great the L'Edge is. Well, I paddled it on the Deerfield Dryway a little over a week ago and found it to be a royal pain in the neck................

In order to carry the boat out of the river I had to rest the back of the saddle, bend forward and lay the front of the saddle on my back. As I was putting the boat down my neck got twisted. It hurt then I got nauseous so instead of making a second run I took it easy and drank beers.

All kidding aside I think that the L'Edge is a great boat if you like short boats. I'm so use to paddling long boats that I have a hard time paddling any short boat. The L'Edge is by far the best short boat that I've ever tried paddling.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:53 am
by Louie
Jim I am a lot younger than you(thank God you are on here so I can that to someone) and no way I am carry a boat that heavy around nor should you.....drag the thing, as thick and well built as it is that the only way you are goin to wear it out

Jim I am a little bit of a bull shitter myself, but I like listen to an expert so please keep talkin about how much heavier the new boat is .....than those barges you are paddlin now.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:14 am
by TonyB
as much as I love my new L'edge I cant wait for another boat to come out so theres something else to talk about here.

Another fat guy here, 6 foot 235 lbs and I may feel a little top heavy in the boat (cause its so short and dry) , but it feels right. Still havent takin it on anything above class 3 but that cause of lack of water and skill, but I'm sooo much more comfortable in it than that skeeter I sold. boofs sweet, dry awesome (broken record effect)

Was thinking of taking it to Gualey-fest, but its really not that kind of river.