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Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:48 pm
by 2opnboat1
NC my last post was not a jab at you personally, It just seems that you take every opp. to slam Mohawk I just hate when someone bad mouths a boat because they dont like it (as with any boat that makes it to production SOME People must like it) and yes we sale all of them in royalex that we want. I feel the same way you feel about prelude, I DONT LIKE THE BOAT i dont think it is a bad boat it just aint my cup of tea. I have a list of boats that fall into the same group they are good boats but I dont like them. For as I know there are very few boats put into production that sucks

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:05 pm
by ncdavid
Actually, I take every opportunity to support Mohawk. I want Mohawk to succeed. I'd love to see them take back the Southeast. I currently own two Mohawk boats. I don't feel about the Maxim the way you feel about the Prelude. I DO think the Maxim is a bad boat. Some people like it. Not very many, though. It might be a better boat in PE. It'll certainly be more durable. I hope it works out for Mohawk. Spending all the money to make a PE boat that doesn't sell could really hurt what used to be a great whitewater canoe company. And so, of course, I hope that the PE version is better than the Royalex/Royalite version and that it sells like hotcakes.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:56 pm
by dwd58
Yes, NC David supports Mohawk. He was the one who talked me into buying the Probe 12 I bought from Mohawk which is my second Mohawk boat. And he is one heck of a guy who will give his best recommendation for the best boat for your present paddling skills. Oh yea, did I mention the fact that after contacting Mohawk and Richard several times about the lap belt that shredded on the 6 th trip down the river and getting no action, David was kind enough to send me the foam to do the lap belt all over. So I would say that David is a fair but good judge of a good boat or a bad boat. And I would suggest to anyone looking to get into a new boat to contact David for his views. And I would say that Mohawk makes great boats, but their service after the buy has alot to be desired.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:37 am
by greybear
I guess I will add my 2 cents worth. I would like to try a L'edge. It seems like it would go well with the creeks around my place. It may be slow, but on the creeks I need craft that is stable and dry(plastic boats+dry+no bump pump=me happy). On river higher volume I will paddle boats with more glide. I paddle a Prophet and also a Viper 12. I don't have anything against any canoe maker I like the Mohawk Vipers, but the Maxim and Rodeo aren't for me maybe someone else. Esquif I lover Detonator, Nitro, Spark, and Vert X, but I am to laid back for the Zoom. I enjoy the lightness of the Bell Ocoee but not the outfitting. I have had a good experience with Mohawk this past spring, I ordered a lap belt and they sent me one in a week, they did have to call me back about some info misplaced but I believe they were still moving. Esquif replaced my Zephyr when it broke. Lets give any company that still makes whitewater open boats credit, they could have given up but no they still make for us. My next boat in 3 or 4 yrs will be a Rumba, fast, glide and I can repair it, and then maybe Spainish Fly, a very fun boat that can play on many things.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:38 am
by mattbcha
i have had nothing but great service and response from mohawk. recently and in the past. to be clear, i have no affiliation. i just paddle

matt hagan

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:48 am
by Craig Smerda

The thread started with this...
Kelvin wrote:Hi Folks,

I am looking at getting my hands on a L'Edge in the not too distant future but I have some concerns. Width and speed! I am 5'8'' and 159lb, I am worried that this boat is going to be too wide and therefore slow. Do you get optimum performance at this width or is it wide to give it a level of stability to sell boats to the masses? As this boat is marketed at the 'high performance paddler' I hope this hull is based purely on performance.

I am paddling a Taureau at the moment and find it painfully slow!

Any thoughts would be much appreciated,

Thanks in advance,

And it's turned into this...?


Must be "Fall" again... :roll:

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:55 am
by ncdavid
My last three river trips:

1. Took a large group to the Lower Yough. Loaned a buddy my Probe 11. He rocked in it and then bought it. I was going to paddle my Pyranha Prelude but my friend's rack jumped off his truck. Three boats landed on the Interstate. My Prelude was eaten by an 18-wheeler. Paddled another friend's Mohawk Rodeo instead. It was one of Will Reaves' old boats so it had about as much kevlar felt and glass patches as Royalex. It was my first time in a Rodeo. Loved it.

2. Saturday on the Lower Gauley, Sunday on the New River Gorge. Paddled my Zephyr, but the guy who bought my Probe 11 rocked both rivers in his Personal First Descents.

3. Went to GAF. Sold a Mohawk Maxim to a guy who I think will love it. I've loaned my Mohawk Shaman to a friend for the next month. She paddled it well. At the takeout, another friend offered to buy the Shaman. The Shaman has been great for me. It'll be even better for him.

So, yeah, I support Mohawk and wish them nothing but the best. I wish they'd come up with some new, more modern designs. I don't like the Maxim.

By the way, if you want the best value for your money in canoe floatation, buy Mohawk bags.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:17 am
by sbroam
Let's start a new thread on the Maxim - obviously we have some news here and there will be, hopefully, lots of civil discourse about it...

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:21 am
by horizongfx
sbroam wrote:Let's start a new thread on the Maxim - obviously we have some news here and there will be, hopefully, lots of civil discourse about it...

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:47 am
by Lappie
Why not a viper 11 in PE? Or an Ocoee... Is there some one out there that would make and Ocoee in glass or PE? Would it be worth it or the L'Èdge is all of them and there is no need for an other boat?

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:51 am
by 2opnboat1
The viper 11 would be to heavy. You would have to make it so thick to try and stop oil canning it would way 100LBs

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:35 pm
by ncdavid
I know that Mohawk was working hard on a different, lighter plastic. If they pull it off it could change the open boat landscape.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:52 pm
by markzak
ncdavid wrote: My Prelude was eaten by an 18-wheeler.
I wonder if the l'edge would have had the stability to eddy out in time.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:53 pm
by ncdavid
Had the Prelude not been firmly attached to the rack, it may have darted out of the way. Unfortunately, all three boats (Prelude, Rodeo, and Ocoee) were strapped and tied securely. We were lucky that any of the boats survived. And luckier still that the oncoming vehicle wasn't a Prius. You can buy new boats. Can't buy new people.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:00 pm
by markzak
Yeah, thats a crazy story, thats my worst fear, the entire rack ripping off. My subaru rack is rated at 150 lbs. and I'm sure I've had upwards of 1,000 lbs on it. Glad everyone was OK.