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Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:34 pm
by Mike W.
Finally got most of the stuff that I think I'll probably use or just like to have along loaded. Headed to the bank, then North!. I'll probably get there 7ish, set camp & head to Fox's. I'll give 'em the heads up about Saturday. The cell will be on. 2523 264 0 57

Katie, bring the kid along.

Aint nothin' but 'glass on the rack :P


Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:40 pm
by C1Dub
Just called ASCI because their online water release calendar for Sunday, June 1 does not show a release.

This is what I was told. There is a release scheduled for 1:30 Sunday afternoon. They may release earlier depending on reservations. If anyone is interested for Sunday morning they need to call Sat. afternoon to confirm the time.

I was told it is always better to call before showing up to verify water release times, particularly on weekdays. They require a minimum of 12 booked rafters to turn the water on.

See PAC's post above for website and phone number.

See you Saturday!



Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:35 pm
by Courtney C. Caldwell
I expect to be there, have reserved site #55. Will probably paddle a GTX C-1, may have another boater with me in a Redline C-1.

Last minute details

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 1:48 am
by huge
Anyone thinking about heading up for the Armada I have site #82 with space available.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:33 am
by sbroam
Another great Armada is in the books. Our souhternmost contingent is home in one piece. Look for TR's and pix later...

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:03 pm
by C1Dub
I had a great time. Enjoyed meeting new faces and visiting with all.

Thanks Scott. I assume you were the Blenheim's fairy that visited my campsite overnight? :D I owe you something good next year! Something in an ale?


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:48 am
by kenneth
So what happened on Saturday!?! After I left you guys to get some bike time over at Big Bear (mountain bike course) I encountered zero visibility rains, 20-30mph winds, and more mud and washouts than I've seen in years. Turns out 80mph winds and a tornado hit just a few miles from where I was trudging along on my mountain bike - which is why I only did 4 miles before deciding to quit while I was ahead. When I left Big Bear I drove about 10 minutes in the direction of you guys and voila, the rain was pretty much gone, so it made me wonder if perhaps you had a nice day for paddling.

It was great to see you all of you! Wish me luck next week at Big Bear!

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:25 pm
by Brendan
Friday night at the campground- clear sky with stars shining like diamonds- saturday morning- overcast, rain coming. Just as we pulled out of the campsite, the rain started. By the time we got to Westernport for breakfast, it was really pouring. Scott B. brought out his weather radio and we heard warnings of tornado's, high winds, flash floods, lightning. Then at the first break of rain we moved on to the brick building to see about the shuttle. We got word that the warnings went through to 11 am then the front should be past. Folks coming from the campground told tales of torrential rain, and being told to take shelter in one of the solid structures at the camp area.

Once we heard that the system was moving past, we geared up, and set shuttle. The NB was stained brown by all of the runoff. All along the river were beautiful waterfals coming off of the rocks. The fog was on the water, and then at one point it started to pour rain again, along with some electrical storm activity. There were many comments about the rain " well, at least I was already wet".

By the time we took a lunch break at the surf hole, the sky started to clear and by the time we hit the takeout it was hot and sunny. Saturday night brought a return of clear starry skies.

Based on the number of boats on the river, it did not appear that the weather kept anyone away. All in all another successful NB armada.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:14 pm
by PAC
Great trip! Which I'm still trying to recover from! Of course the 3x OT hockey game between the Pens and Wings didn't help either.

Cquirt was a blast! Having 3 new squirt boats to try was great.
As was squirting with Jim S. visiting PS Compostes and meeting the folks from Squirtworks.

We have female and male masters of the known C1 Universe! But that needs to be a seperate post.

It was cooling seeing and cathcing up with folks from the past and meeting new people. My daughter absolutely loved C2ing on the NBofP. Particularly when we "thumped" rocks (mini boofs)! thanks to all for making it such a positive experience for her.

The only down sides were - it ended too quickly, I had to give up the Woody and Ceemweaver, it rained like cats and dogs Sat Am (leading to being stuck in a bunker), and the Savage was running and I couldn't go do it! Otherwise a most excellent adventure!

Paul C.

random memories

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:45 pm
by Big Al
As I sit on the tarmac in a revving plane waiting for eventual liftoff maybe in an hour or so per the pilot due to weather everywhere...on the way to the World of Pork at the Iowa State random mamories of a great Armada:
PAC man doing an excellent imitation of a Japanese tourist guide with the patience of jobe and all the while keeping his Renee (8 yrs old?) From crying more than three or four times daily. She undobtedly will always remember this trip w/dad she's a keeper, PAC!
Canadians are funny. Ours were especially a fun bunch to chill with.gonzo is passionate about paddling, didja know, eh? And Scott has an incredible range of accents, albeit all with that Canadian lilt.jokes became funnier as more beverages were consumed. Princess Leah is cool.

Adam does not make deliveries.

Why is Huge called that? Do we really want to know?

snyder the Squirtmaster told me severl times he had to "push the UP button" cuz he didn't want to go as deep as the current wanted him to.
Mikey said he still hasn't found the "DOWN button".

Kneal asked me to ask PAC what

Gotta go, we're off to WOP!

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:28 pm
by Kelly-Rand
I had a great time and learned a few more boater names and faces. After the dinner at Foxes I headed for my accommodations in McHenry with friend Walter. Saturday we paddled the Tippy Top Savage. It is a beautiful wilderness run with lots of strainers, 3 to 5 foot ledge drops and a 300 foot gorge that is above my ability but also needed just a little more water to be fluid. I think the Barton gauge needs to be about 700cfs for the gorge to be runnable, it was 500cfs and dropping fast Sunday.
Monday we took the Magma C2 to the Casselman for our trial run and after a few rapids we had it down and really had a good time carving and surfing. Much easier to throw around.

See ya at the next Armada



Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:34 pm
by Alden
Well, I didn't really join the Armada, but did a bunch of boating out there on Saturday. I even did the Savage in open boat. It was really disappointing (the paddling, not the river). I think that about killed my open boating ambitions. Filling up and having to dump is no fun. Having to manhandle that huge boat, both on and off the river, was no fun. The words "unresponsive slug" came to mind. Having to take the dry lines, rather than the fun lines, was no fun. All in all, Royalex OC-1s (I was paddling a Probe 12) are no fun.

I think I'll be sticking to C-1!


Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:47 am
by Kelly-Rand
To the Armada coordinators a big thanks. It was special to be part of the introduction of three new boat designs for the C-boat nation.
