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Kneel on Top?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:06 pm
by sbroam
Kneel on top?
by Brettal Brettal
I was perusing kayak manufacturers' pages, and had the thought that us C-boaters don't need the extra height in the bow for our knees(hey, it's early morning, I start slow), then clicked on an SOT and wanted to try a C1. The most easily accessible conversion, EVER! Thoughts?
Posted on Jul 17, 2002, 6:06 AM

by Scott B.
Tom Visnius created a KOT C-1 (and a SOT squirt K-1) a while back; they're, if nothing else, interesting to look at :

Also, I still think the Perception Revolution is a C-boat - think of it as a pair of KOT C-1's, joined at the hip outrigger style...

Posted on Jul 17, 2002, 7:53 AM

thought of that,
by Silent Bob
Most plastic SOT's have too many butt-shaped features molded into them to make the outfitting work in a comfortable manner though. Not a bad concept however, particulaly for a squirt boat.
Posted on Jul 18, 2002, 6:16 PM