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Anyone elses ears growing shut???

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:54 pm
by sbroam
Anyone elses ears growing shut???
by Dennis
My ears are growing shut (the bone seems to be closing up the ear passage-way). I've been to several doctors, and they all tell me the same thing....It's from swimming in cold water. I try not to swim much, but I paddle and roll in cold water a lot.

I thought it was just me, then I talked to a long-time yakker who told me he is having the same problem. In fact, he told me that several of his friends had undergone surgery to reopen the ear canal (he didn't know where or by whom).

This is the only info I have so far. Anyone know more about this?

Posted on Aug 3, 2002, 4:23 PM

Read the latest issue of Rapid Magazine...
by Kalin
Good article about it. VERY serious condition for coldwater boaters. Wear ear plugs!

I'll try to round up more info...

Check out


Posted on Aug 6, 2002, 4:11 PM


O.K.>Here's what I know...
by Kalin
Exostosis or "Surfer's Ear" is the result of long term exposure to cold wind and water and can lead to permanent hearing damage. Bony growths accumulate in the ear canal and impede hearing and drainage and require a very painful (and costly) surgery called "canaloplasty". Essentially your ear attempts to grow shut to keep out the elements. <Sound gross? You should see some pictures. Yuck.>

Prevention is key so break out the ear plugs and pick your days to paddle carefully. There are lots of styles to choose from but some names to look for are: Doc's Pro-Plugs and Smiley's.

Hmmm....DaveM's "hundred factor" seems like a smart idea all of a sudden...

Hope that helps. I know there are some pretty graphic websites out there and if you do a search I think you'll find them....


Posted on Aug 9, 2002, 5:47 PM


Evolution in ACTION!
by Quico Reed
You are becoming a marine mammal.

Until you feel your nasal passages migrating to the top of your head, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Posted on Sep 11, 2002, 1:27 PM