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Prodigy / Phantom feedback?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 6:10 pm
by adkSara
Prodigy / Phantom feedback?
by Randy
Has anyone tried the new Bell Prodigy?

I had a chance to paddle one for 15 minutes at a playspot this past weekend. I found it to be surprisingly willing to roll and drown a gunnel, offering no resistance before going over.

The Phantom I demo'd last spring seemed to suffer the same lack of stability. Both hulls are quite round, seem to offer no edging capacity, and will roll right over without any notice or complaint. What is the goal of this type of cross-section in a canoe?

I generally appreciate the design trade-offs found in boats of different shapes, and I am really curious what paddlers who love these boats see in them.

Any feedback?


Posted on Dec 26, 2002, 6:35 PM