carving foam...
by Mike W.
Last night I was watching a program about Jesse James, the one from West Coast Choppers. They showed the guy who makes his seats. This fellow was carving the foam with an electric carving knife.
If anyone has tried this, let us know how it worked. I assume it would do well with minicell foam.
My wife told me that she doesn't have an electric carving knife (yeah, she saw my eyes light up as I watched someone carving foam). Guess what she's getting for Christmas?
Mike W.
Posted on Dec 1, 2002, 6:38 PM
Re: carving foam...
by Anonymous
Not as pretty as a band saw, but it works fine.
Posted on Dec 2, 2002, 5:19 PM
saw foam
by Gary DeBacher
I have used long coarse wood blades in a jig saw to cut 3" minicell into front and rear walls. The saw cuts are rather smooth, just rough enough to hold a coating of glue.
Posted on Dec 2, 2002, 8:27 PM
carving foam...
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carving foam...