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More proof that C1s are superior...

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 7:25 pm
by Sir Adam
More proof that C1s are superior...
by Brettal

This afternoon I went to talk to the folk on campus who are running the winter pool kayak rolling sessions, to see if I could maybe hop in with my C1 and show 'em how it's really done. Anyway, the guy I needed to talk to wasn't there, but my conversation with the girl working the counter was overheard by her coworker, who commented (upon hearing my explanation of what type of boat I had, exactly) that she loved those things.

Of course, today had to be the day when my voice was hampered by the remnants of a sore throat, so I didn't stay and chat long. But I have a feeling I'll be seeing her again...

Long live the sex appeal of the one-bladed paddler!

Posted on Sep 25, 2002, 5:40 PM

well done.
by Kev

There is no doubt in my mind that the single bladers always get all the ladies. It's just a fact of life.

Posted on Sep 25, 2002, 7:29 PM

There is no doubt
by Simon

In my experience, when you're six inches taller than anyone else on the river, the chicks are bound to notice. Kayakers look puny by comparison. As a kayaking friend said after trying C-1, "When you're in a C-1, you feel like a man. When you're in a kayak, you feel like a kayak." There's just more man showin' . . .

Or, as I once read a woman boater say, "Of course C-1ers are sexy. You can see their butts!"

And it's funny, but when you say "C-1er" you automatically think of men. There simply aren't any C-1 girls. I've only seen four, and all of them were at races. These were all women kayakers who were also racing C-1. And never was there a case like mine, in which the C-1 skills dwarfed the K-1 skills. They were all pretty much novices in a canoe.

C-1 just so typically fits with the (often) male mentality of "letting it all hang out" -- the higher balance point, the lack of support on one side and the fantastic "do or die" leans that this entails.

Just curious, are there any C-1 girls out there? Do any of you read this board?

Posted on Sep 26, 2002, 3:51 PM

Re: There is no doubt
by Anonymous

"There simply aren't any C-1 girls."

Two words.



Plus several others too.

Posted on Sep 26, 2002, 4:00 PM

One "girl's" opinion...
by Tess

Ummmm, yeah, there are C-1 women who read this board
and who have been out there for quite awhile.
I personally switched from kayaking almost 2 years ago and haven't been back in a kayak since. I OC-1 as well.
I know 3 other area women who have been C-boating WAY
longer than I have (This one's for you Angie!)and way longer than a lot of you guys.
I would guess the main difference is that we don't go around poofing ourselves up about how our butts look in the skirts and how much sex appeal we do or don't have - there's more than enough of that we face in the real world.
As single bladers...we just get in our boats and do it!
Safe paddling!

Posted on Sep 27, 2002, 4:15 AM

Another "girl's" opinion
by Marty

Well said Tess!

I've been C-1ing since 1991. Also paddle C-2. When in a tandem boat, I ALWAYS paddle stern. Due to chronic tendonitis in both shoulders, I kayak more than C-1 now, but C-1 is still, and will always be, my first love.

Whitewater Women do it with finesse!

Posted on Sep 27, 2002, 5:40 AM

Women CBoaters..the not-so-mythical Unicorns...
by Sir Adam


They ARE out there. I know three personally, and I'm glad to read there are more out there, and reading this board! Think of it this way, say 10% (COMPLETELY made-up number) of kayakists are women. Say 10% of boaters are CBoaters (the sorry state of our kind). So, roughly 1% of boaters are women CBoaters (yes, I know, this number actuall DOES seem high...but y'all get the picture...).

On a COMPLETELY unrelated note, the Hudson looks like it might get up to 6' tomorrow from the rain we've had-it's nice to have water again:)

Sir Adam

Posted on Sep 27, 2002, 6:09 AM

Get your attitude fixed....
by icy-one-too

Around DC (the C-1 capital of the earth) and the Middle States of America there have always been plenty of women (not "chicks") paddling C-1. From the Gauley to the Grand, C-1W's rule, so stop congratulating yourself, big boy.

And just a few fore-mothers of the sport (too old for you, sorry):
Carrie Ashton ( for my money the best ever)
(and Carrie Ashton/Bunny Johns racing C-2W and nearly winning C-M at the Savage International)
Linda Harrison (also totally formidable with Paul Grabow in C-2M)
Cathy Hearn (first time I saw her she was cranking down a race course in C-1...beating the guys)
and Julie Schmitt, Elizabeth Watson, Barb Kingsborough, Abby Kingman, Jill Snowden, JC Medairos, Barb McKee, Susie Myer, Mary Herlihy, & Bev & Kay & all the others who showed the way....

Posted on Oct 1, 2002, 5:05 AM

Re: More proof that C1s are superior...
by Anonymous

<<Long live the sex appeal of the one-bladed paddler!>>

Naah. It's not the paddling. We're just better looking and smarter. We probably don't smell as bad as them kayakers either.

Still bad though. <G>

Posted on Sep 26, 2002, 4:03 PM