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Seth made the US Open Canoe Freestyle Team!!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 8:12 pm
by Sir Adam
Seth made the US Open Canoe Freestyle Team!!!!
by yakmom yakmom

Team Trials were this past weekend at the Ocoee in conjunction with the Teva National Championships.

Seth decided to take a shot at making the US Team -though he hadn't been in an open canoe in over a year.

He paddled down the Ocoee with all the freestyle open boaters to Hellhole...(He paddled his XXX)....took one practice ride at Hellhole in the new Spanish Fly and then went in for two competion rides - landed several enders with lots of awesome air time and a couple him a solid finish (everyone thought he was in first place the first day - though later a math error on variety scores showed he was in second place that day - anyway he went into the second round of competion the next day thinking he was in first)

Next day was at Smileys and confusion reigned before the competion - with boats and competitors not present - but Eli Helbert arrived and sorted it all out. Seth again took one practice ride - this time in a Robson boat - then went out and took to solid rides with front and back enders, 360's etc.....he almost landed a loop - but that will need a bit more work - This time he was solidly in first place - winning the competion. Andrew Bell came in 2nd - followed by Craig Smerda (alternate) , Dooley (?) and Psycho Simpson. (Eli has a "buy" (reserved spot) on the team as he is current World Champion).

We are all excited for Seth. He will be the youngest member of the US team - even though he is not technically a jr member since his event is not a junior event.

Eli expects Seth to make a good showing at the Worlds = we will be looking into sponsorships and raising money etc over the next few months....(US team should pay for event registration and rooms over in Graz - but Seth will have to raise airfare, other travel expences, food etc - not to mention getting a boat to train in & a longer paddle)


Posted on Oct 15, 2002, 8:33 AM

Way to Seth!
by KNeal

Congrats to Seth and the Chapelle family on such a remarkable performance! It brings a tear to my eye to see such a young "Armadite" do so well!


Posted on Oct 15, 2002, 10:31 AM

Um, that was supposed to read, "way to GO, Seth!" (nt)
by KNeal


Posted on Oct 15, 2002, 7:28 PM

Woof, woof, woof.....
by PAC

Way to go BIG little dog! I hope he smiled a lot! It's his only weakness!

Posted on Oct 15, 2002, 3:36 PM

by Jennifer & David Hearn Jennifer & David Hearn

Great job Seth. You all must be very excited. Good luck with your whitewater training and well deserved fund raising efforts. - Jennifer & David Hearn

Posted on Oct 16, 2002, 10:48 A

by Kalin Kalin

I guess all that training up here on the Ottawa paid off, eh, Seth? <grin> It was great seeing you up here as much as you were...

I am SO very proud of you and happy for you. This is wonderful news!

Looking forward to paddling with you soon. I need you to show me a few tricks! Ha HA!

Best Wishes,
Kalin of the Great White North

Posted on Oct 17, 2002, 9:37 PM