anyone paddle an oxygen?

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anyone paddle an oxygen?

Post by adkSara »

anyone paddle an oxygen?
by dick
i'm thinking about designing a c-1 squirt. if you have an oxygen, tell me how you like it. what parts do you like or dislike. what would you change. what are the measurments of the cockpit? how deep is the cockpit? how high is your saddle? any info would be great. thanks

Posted on Nov 4, 2002, 1:48 PM

by Sir Adam
What's good:

1) Length (9')
2) slicy ends:)
3) volume around the cockpit only

What's not:
1) NO's like paddling a board-a little would be good....
2) asymettry-it should really be symetrical (see )

I think my saddle is 5.5" or so...6" is more comfortable, but with the FLAT bottom is much more unstable.

Let me know if you want any specific measurements, and I'll drag out the tape measure this weekend....

Sir Adam

Posted on Nov 4, 2002, 8:01 PM
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