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The future of boating?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:08 pm
by Aldenb
Are any of you looking at these ever-smaller boats that kayakers can barely fit into . . . and laughing at said kayakers? Explain.

Do you ever feel that kayaking is perhaps . . . limiting the sport? Discuss.


Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:45 am
by Timzjatl
I'd like to see what could be done if a C1 specific playboat was designed, without the limitations that legs and feet put on hull shapes. That said, I haven't seen anything that I'd conscider groundbreaking in the C boating world in the three years I've been in it. I do like that Liquid logic saddle though.. :D

Ground-breaking boats..

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 1:25 pm
by Sir Adam

There are a few very high performance C1's out there that a kayakist would never fit into:
1) Massive Groove. AWESOME playboat. But NOT for the timid! :o
2) PS Composites Oxygen (Corran's design). Only about 10 ever built, and a wicked, wicked boat (no rocker, flat on bottom, and lots of straight angles / edges).
3) Meltdown. I've never seen one, and I've tried to find out how much a new one built to my specs would be but e-mail responses from the Downtime crew are few and far between. But it looks awesome!

Pictures of the above are on under C1 Rec Boats, of course.

For those that have frequented the C-Forum for a while, YES, I"m still working on the Maven. Last night I actually started glassing the "turret" or "shroud". The deck is 0-3" off the hull (bow to below cockpit), then the turret brings teh cockpit rim to 6 or 6.5 inches or so (it's not done yet remember). Some bondo tonight for smoothing, a few more layers of glass, and hopefully I'll be able to try it out again! As soon as I get the role of film developed in my camera, and get the pictures scanned I'll be resurrecting the "Maven" site on my's been cut in half twice now-once to narrow it, and once to widen it a bit.... IF it works out it should be a really freaking squirt C1, but a bit more user-friendly than the Oxygen (and much lower volume than a cut down Acrobat...).

Liquid logic saddle?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:19 pm
by Paddle Power
What this about a Liquid logic saddle?!?
Please tell us more, pics, web links, cost, availability, etc...

Here's a picture off Scott Broam's website...

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:54 pm
by CosmikDebris

LL saddle

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:47 pm
by Kevin
Hey, the LL saddle I thinks looks really promising, it can't wait to give it a spin. As far as progression of the sport goes, it's getting pushed every year... trick wise, i never thought i would see a c1er pull helix's, loops, air screws, you name it. I think it's great!!!

At the moment im Ocean Surfing in my c1 Pyrahhna Sub 7 one ball of the coast of centeral Flordia, and everyone is like what the? It's great the surf hasn't been too bad so far the biggest has been about 8ft breaking waves.

In boat design the only thing i would like to complain about is lack off hull speed with a single blade. I wanted to get a LL Skip and still might, but picked the sub 7 because it was a little faster. Is there any real way to have a fast hull if the boat is short and has lots of rocker??? And will there ever be a large enough market for a company like LL let's say to produce a C1 specifaclly designed freestyle playboat??


LL Saddle

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:09 am
by PAC
Rumor has it one will be at Cheat Fest for review! Local LL rep. said he may be able to make one available for the Armada as well. I'll let folks know whats up as things get closer - as to who might be bringing it and such!! CU