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Kalin captured in fun web vid.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 11:30 am
by Clive
And he's not in his boat! What up with that? :D

Good to see some familiar faces!

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 10:29 pm
by Kevin
I should really get out to some of those pool sessions on Thursday nights. That 2nd level diving board bounce was awesome...and the winter footage is off the hook.

How much does a waterproof case or a digital camera set you back?


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:14 pm
by James
hey Clive, there is such thing as a dial up connection still these days. Every time I try to look at one of your videos I gotta wait half a day or so for the thing to download. Was that one of the Montreal boys in the yellow session?

great work once again, though I bailed on the download a third of the way through.

zero to hero move?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:56 am
by Garrett
anyone know how to do that zero to hero move in a c-1(roll up into a bow stall)? like the guy in the yellow session on clive's vid.... i haven't seen one in a while and figured while i am still working out in a pool i could learn it....

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:01 am
by CosmikDebris
I find zero to hero's easier in a C-1 just because of the whole leverage thing. Basically all it is is having a boat you can throw around without using your paddle and timing. Once upside down you hipsnap so that you're about halfway up, at which time you smash your bow. The key is getting your boat upright enough without having to use the paddle so that you go vertical instead of falling on your head. Unless you have a slicey boat though it can be tough. Hope that helps a little. If you get a chance you should hop in a squirt boat, that'll help you figure it out quick :).
Nice video by the way however I, like James, bailed out early because I'm old school and still enjoy all the beeps and whatnot when I get on the internet. Clive's video's kick butt though no doubt.

Thanks Guys

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 6:48 pm
by Clive
Hi James, yup, that's Guillaume Larue doing the cleans and that nice zero to hero. That's also him at the begining of the Lachine video with that huge semi helix type manouver I think they call it a silly flip.

Sorry about your connections there lads, I lasted about a month with a 28.8. If I wasn't for HS I wouldn't even bother having a site.

Kalin must be off somewhere, cause he didn't bite at my troll. :evil:


zero to hero

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 1:25 pm
by Mike W.
Just get a little boat & roll. It will do it weather you want to or not. I went from a Cascade to a Big EZ. Every time I rolled up it was to a bow stall. I started setting up with my paddle further back to STOP doing the bow stall.
Mike W. :o

Don't worry Clive....I'm here...

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 8:22 pm
by Kalin
And I've been takin' heat ever since yer post. :x

Don't worry...there will be plenty of chances to shoot some footy of me getting my butt kicked at Champlain this Spring...ha ha!


P.S.>SA-WEET vid, by the way! Looking forward to your next production!

Zero to Hero

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 5:53 am
by Chris G.
One thing that helps me with my zero to hero is to start off in a backdeck position. Your T-grip is down at your stomach and sort of pushed down, and your momentum is already sweeping the paddle around. Anyway, your paddle is already near the stern in a backdeck roll (as opposed to the side and going forward in a front deck roll), so as you start to come up, you can flip your body and smash very quickly. Also, your body is already torqued around, so you can release that energy into the smash as opposed to playing it out above the surface in completing your roll. Also, I got my offside roll the other day, I think the guy in the video missed the last step. I end mine on a cross sweep to finish out the roll. Is this strange, or am I compensating for a lack of good technique?
One Love,