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Spring Armada

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 2:09 pm
by DaveMiller
What was everyone's final thoughts on the spring armada being over Mothers day weekend?

Look a few posts down..NB Armada Roll Call

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 6:37 pm
by Sir Adam

It's still on, with quite a few folks planning on showing up-check the roll call post a few posts down...


Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 12:55 am
by PAC
Ok made you look. :-? Just kidding....
A lot of folks have been asking about the Aramda, next weekend (5/10), and what the specifics are. I'm not the formal coordinator ( I think Kneal is - but I might be wrong), heck I'm not even the informal coordinator! :o
Anyway I'll try to hook up with Kneal over Cheat Fest to get the particulars posted. They should be up on the Forum by Mid next week.
Generally here is the scheduled based on last year's event and subject to change....
Friday - Afternoon paddle on the Lower Yough (Loop) then drive to Savage River to camp out.
Sat. - Meet at Savage take out (look for all the C1s). Set up shuttle, paddle, laugh a lot and have fun, go eat the county out of stromboli, camp at Savage.
Sun. - Meet up and repeat most of Sat.
I hope this helps in letting folks in setting up plans - I plan on being there! :D CU PAC

PS: How about a final roll call so we don't lose / forget anyone!

I'll be there

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 1:08 am
by Mike W.
Just tell me when & where to be. I've never been up there.

I'm coming Thursday night or Friday morning. I'm bringing the Big EZ. I can bring my Cascade & Probe 11 if anyone wants me to.

I need to be back in Carolina for Mother's day, so I'm not staying for Sunday. I do want to paddle Friday & Saturday.

Mike W.

Coordinator? What coordinator?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 5:18 pm
by KNeal
I thought Kalin was the coordinator this year! :lol: Regardless of who is the "officious" leader of this Spring Armada, the logistics remain the same as they have been the last two times: a group paddles on Friday (usually on the Lower Yough); camping was along the Savage River near the slalom start area (a GREAT choice, Dave M.!); everyone meets at the building next to the confluence of the Savage and NB Potomac (usually around 10:00?), set shuttle at the takeout (usually around 10:30?); drive up to the putin of the NB Potomac and put on the river shortly after and try to start downriver by 12:00. Finish up by 4:00 (which means everyone will be off the river between 2:30 and 5:00 :o ); then run into town and attack the local pizzeria for all their Strombolis, Zambonis, and anything else not nailed down; terrorize the employees of the pizzeria, take pictures of the carnage at the pizzeria (along with a group photo of the culprits); send pics back with "Sir Adam", go back to campsite and pass out in vehicles, on the grass, on top of rocks, in the road, or if you are stable enough you can get back into your tent :lol: For Sunday, repeat Saturday!

That is the basic plan. For anyone wanting to paddle Friday, you will need to post this and see who you can recruit to go. The Lower Yough Loop is great for a Friday afternoon paddle. The last two years, we met around 1-2:00 and had an AWESOME time!

If everyone is agreeable to camping alongside the Savage, directions will be posted soon. Also, look for the directions to the Saturday Armada to be posted here by Tuesday or Wednesday.

I will not be in attendance this year, as work commitments will keep me in town. So the Cheat weekend was a REALLY wonderful time and I had a blast paddling with Paul (PAC), Warren, Mike Elsea, and some kyackers.


Cascade & Probe 11

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 11:33 pm
by MotorCityOC-1
Both the Cascade and the Probe 11 are boats that I am interested in paddling. Right now I'm 94% sure I'll be there Sat with my Slow-vation.


Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 11:44 pm
by Mike W.
I'll throw everything on the truck. Look for the blue GMC from Carolina driving around lost. I'll have the Probe 11, Cascade & Big EZ.
MIke W.

Will be there

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 4:32 pm
by saraC
I'll be coming up Sat. and probably doing both Sat./Sun.
Will be bringing the Massive Air OC-1 for Dave P. and
the XXX if anyone wants to try it out.
J. - he'll either be fri., sat. AND sun. or Sat/sun.
Pete-probably all three days
Guth-only sunday.

I think that's all we've got from the "local" group.

Looking forward to seeing/meeting everyone!
and y'all drive safe!

Sara :D

The Canadians are coming! The Canadians are coming!

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 11:25 pm
by Kalin
Hey Gang!

I am in the process of rounding up some participants.....but I am coming for certain!

I am hoping to bring as many as five others as well. Would like to arrive Friday in time for "The Loop" on the L.Yough but more realistically it will be Sat and Sun paddle...

I am bringing my Super EZ C1 and my H3 255 C1. Also hoping to bring a Robson Red Fred Twin Tip C1 and Skip C1 as well as a Groove C1 (that is FOR SALE!) AND an Acrobat Squirt C1 as well (ALSO for sale!!)

More details to follow but I could use some directions to the Savage Campground as well as L. Yough Put in

More soon,

Kalin. :D

Youhg directions

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 2:29 am
by Mike W.
Here are the directions that Seth gave for the lower Yough:
I'm hoping that somebody will paddle Friday that knows where the campground is.
Scott & I are planning to run it at noon on Friday. Then run it again when Seth & his Mom show up at 2:30 or 3:00. If we show up late, we'll just wait for the 2:30-3:00 crowd.
Mike W.

Directions to Ohiopyle A.K.A. Lower yough/Loop put in: Take I-68 west to maryland exit 14 the Keysers ridge exit for alt. route 40 (if you get to the friendsville exit you've gone one exit to far!) Go to the end of the exit ramp turn left (west) on route 40. Take 40 awhile you'll cross the youghiogheny resivior, keep going to Dinner bell road, turn right on dinner bell. dinner bell will come to a Y intersection with 381 bear right on 381. soon you will be in ohiopyle you'll see a boater change house and parking lot on you right, (directly across from the put in) thats where people normally meet.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 4:16 pm
by Sir Adam
Is that Scott D.'s Acro, or a different one? I may still be in the market for one, and can ALWAYS squeeze a pointly little glass object on my car:)

Unfortunately I will be in my business car, not my truck (still working on the engine...), but I'll have at least the Viper, and might be convinced to bring another boat down as well (other than PACs :D ). Anyone have high hopes of trying anything in particular?

C Y'all Friday night!
Sir Adam
P.S. I may have convinced our GREAT web host Ken to show up as well (he has *yaked up to class II+ to III with me before, and had a roll at one point).

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 6:37 pm
by Guest
Bob Gunst and I plan to make it- hope to get the the yough on friday for at least the loop. Bob says he has a new transmission for the orange B-17, so we may make the flight in that beast- it sure was exciting last year!

C U there

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 6:21 pm
by ShawnReese
Look for a Honda Civic with a purple Dagger Atom at the Yough at Noon on Friday. Hope to meet up with you guys and learn something!!!

Hey Kalin, post some prices on those boats so I can bring enough freakin CASH!!!


Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 2:58 am
by MotorCityOC-1
Um, is there enough room along the Savage for all us single blade freaks? Both times I've tried to camp there, we got in really late and all the sites were taken. I didn't think the sites were reservable, so are we just all gunna squeeze into the available camping spots, or what?
I'm just hoping I don't get stuck with no place to sleep when I try to slip in quietly at 1am :-?

Camping along the Savage

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 1:22 pm
by David Miller
The previous post was correct. You can't reserve spots along the Savage. We must also be prepared to share the area with trout fishermen. Hopefully some of the recent rain will keep them away as high streams make for great boating but poor fishing.

Here is my suggestion for making sure everyone has a place to stay even the late arrivers.

1. Early arrivers on Friday try to spread out a bit so late arrivers can see boaters and pull in between their cars.

2. Early arrivers could post a description of their car/boats so the late arrivers could spot them and know they are amongst friends.

3. Don't worry about Saturday. If the spots along the river are full, we can always go up the road a bit to Savage dam.

See you guys Sat. morning about 9:00 am in the parking lot.

PS: Who has Kalin duty Saturday morning?

PSS: I understand the dam is full and there is a chance the river might actually rise after the official 4:00 pm release time.
Couple of thoughts:
1. This seams even more reason to dawddle at the put in. ie: let even more of the crowd head down in front of us, so it's just C-boaters when we head downstream.
2. Maybe a second run just down to the right road takeout. Althought my body is usually pretty spent after a day of trying to keep up with Kalin <grin>...DM