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First one home...

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 4:25 pm
by saraC
is a nice, dry, well rested, happy boater :D
Since it appears I might very well be the first armada participant to post I want to say that:
1) We REALLY missed you Kneal and um, Yury...uh, no chocolate this year :cry: Although Scott B. said he had some I never saw it, so I'm not sure I believe him :-?
2)The North Branch was cookin and FUN!
3)The above statement of course must be followed by the mention that I had a blast thanks to Mike Watson and the use of his Probe 11 OC-1..Thank you Mike!!!
4)Thank you everybody who traveled so far to make it - what an incredible time!
5)It was wonderful to meet Matt, Jo, Camille, Joey, the Rockin OC-2 team J.W. and Bob, Mark, Walter and to see all the "regulars" again.
6)Seth's lucky he made it out alive-I heard at least 3 people say they were going to "ring his neck" - of course that implies that at least one of these three people would need to be able to actually catch him when he wasn't playing in a hole...Right... like THAT was ever gonna happen!
7)I think it's time we suggest to the owner of Fox's Pizza that we need to do a group photo every year w/him so he can start a hall of shame. He seemed to be much appreciative and relieved by the advance warn/uh, notice and it was apparent we'd reached an elevated status when he said "he'd prepared a room for us all" 8).
"We just needed to follow him....."
:D....................... :-? ........................................................... :o
Oh honey, I KNOW those words....NOW????? in Fox's PIZZA???? With Post-boating helmet head hair, paddle fatigue, exhaustion induced starvation? Well...................O.k.!
In my mind I'm thinkin apparently Fox's Pizza is a much more significant meeting place than we'd ever anticipated and
maybe we ought to re-think that photo session... we might not need the flash!

Had a great Great time...Sir Adam-the Hudson in the fall!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 8:45 pm
by Mike W.
Sara, I'm glad that you paddled the boat. It has felt neglected since I went C-1. I think I did take it to the river once last year.

The North Branch was a blast. It was my 1st time up there & I will return.

Mike W.


Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 8:47 pm
by NZMatt
Gudday Sara

Great to meet you at the Armada. You mentioned the possibility of an Esopus trip at some point. Be sure to let us know when you go and Jo and I will try to come along. You can reach me through the board here or via email at

Ciao for now :)
