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May 2003 North Branch Potomac Report

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 11:29 pm
by Sir Adam
About 30 boaters, including the "usual suspects", minus KNeal, Jamie, Maxwell, and Yury, and including a few who I suspect will become new usual suspects :lol: .

Saturday-heavy storms in the morning, Kalin arriving at 5:45 am, then trying to get him up, the usual :lol: . Nice day boating though-great waterfalls pouring into the North Branch (and the roads!), some surfing, A LOT of boat swapping (is there anyone who DIDN'T hop in another boat?!), and the rescuing of a yakker or two :o , topped off with our own "banquet room" at the Fox's Den Pizzeria.... SpaceCanoe (ya know Ric, I typed SpaceCane there for a minute! :o ) sent a GREAT package of after river treats, and CDs to sell to fund Seth's trip to the worlds in two weeks-most of them sold too!

Sunday was spent scouting the river and deciding not to run it (Sat. was a touch over 1000 cfs (normal release) while Sun. was 7000 cfs...flooding through the trees, etc...). Great to look at, but we headed off a bit early. Kalin and I convoyed up towards Erie PA. Good thing to-his car was running hot, but I'm the one that ran out of gas :o (gas gauge problems...really!).

Overall, a great trip, and worth the 10 hour drive even with only 1 day of paddling.

Hope to C everyone soon (Ottawa armada? Fall Hudson armada?)
"Sir" Adam

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 12:02 am
by CosmikDebris
Sounds like some fun. I'd be up for an Ottawa venture sometime in June, I'm heading up there around the 8th and staying until probably the 20th. Anyone care to join us?


Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 1:13 am
by Space Canoe
Hey, everyone!
Glad to hear that everything went well, and so bummed that I missed it! First off, all apologies to those who spent money on the CDs that I sent, my intention was that they just be handed out with the cookies as freebies for the group's enjoyment. I can see how Adam might have thought otherwise, as I made no clarification when I sent everything to him. Thank God he didn't sell the cookies, too (Tee Hee)!
My intent was in the fraternal, giving, non-commercial spirit of the event, and also because on some of the CDs, tracks 7 and 8 (or 8 and 9, I can’t remember which) have about two minutes of silence at the end before the next tune starts. You'll know it when you hear it; just click to the next track and everything should be OK.
So, it's no big deal, I guess, but here's what I'd like to do for those who bought the CDs. If you like the music, send me your address. In a few months I should have a much more professional CD with about 18 songs on it (6 or 7 that aren't on these CDs). And I'll send you that one for free, to make up for your monetary outlay this weekend.
Again, so sorry for the confusion;
Ric Taylor

Thanks for letting me tag along

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 7:14 pm
by David Miller
To everyone:
Thanks for letting me participate in the armada. I think this thing is great because it has no leader or real organization it just happens (but it won't happen on Mothers Day again!)

I think we roped a few new folks into future armada's and missed a couple of regulars from the past. Most importantly we kept the spirit of the armada alive with information sharing, boat delivery's and boat swapping....and we found homes for two C-2's destined for the graveyard

Sat. evening I kept wondering why I so tired, (I know I'm out of shape) Then on the way home Sunday I realized that we were on the river nearly 5 hours on Saturday, playing the whole time (whew).

Sorry about the flooding for everyone who drove a long way. I can almost guarantee that won't happen again in the near future. I still like that area as a center for the armada as there are so many different streams to run. maybe next year we paddle:

Dry Fork of the Cheat
Hopeville Canyon

but always dinner at Fox's

Thanks again for a great weekend....DM

We have pleny of water in DC this I guess I'll just go boatin!!!!

The Armada was awesome!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 8:41 pm
by Mike W.
This was my 1st Armada, but it was not my last! Even though the rivers that we wanted to paddle Friday were deemed too high & we didn't paddle. I had a ball on the NBP.

I'll admit that my primary reason for going was to try a Viper. Once I got there, that wasn't such a big deal anymore. It was great to be able to put faces with names, hang out & paddle. I see that the boats are not the main focus of the Armada, the folks are. I now have a bunch of new paddling buddies. However, just about any C-boat that you wanted to try was there. I tried a few myself. It's also neat to see other folks in my boats.

I had never paddled with more than two other C-boaters. It was awesome to be in the middle of the pack, look up-stream & down, seeing no blades in the air!

The boys down here have already heard what a great time they missed. They will continue to hear it too. Maybe next year we'll get them to head up there. I will be there.

Did anyone get the Groove? That was a neat boat. I swear it's more stable on the nose than it is flat!

So that's what was up with the CD. I wondered if I had fallen asleep while driving, or if I had just been too intent on watching the unfamiliar-drizzly-foggy-dark-mountain-roads on the way home Saturday night.

Mike W.


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 12:10 am
by Space Canoe
Yeah, Mike, um, oops! That's what you get with a home CD burner, I think I tried to run off 25 or 30 at once, and somewhere in the middle the machine overheated and said "screw this crap"! Anyway, I'll get in touch when I get the other one finished.
Ric Taylor

Great meeting everyone..

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 1:39 am
by creek1r
Really enjoyed camping on the roaring Savage and paddling the NBP with everyone. On my way home Sunday morning to SW Virginia I stopped at the Maury River (Goshen Pass Section) and it was kickin. After a few minutes a couple of paddling friends showed up so we had a great afternoon of paddling. Should have taken Scott B (SC) along since the Maury is only 2 hrs from Radford VA and directly on the way just off I-81S. Thanks to all who put time and effort into the Armada!!
Bev Bryant (and Jocko)
BigGun C-1

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 2:19 am
by Kelly-Rand
I had a great time and enjoyed meeting all the folks. I'm disappointed that I didn't come to Fox's. I did not try other boats, it is hard enough getting skilled in the two I have. Dave M. and Warren, I will look you up when I'm in DC, to paddle at the Falls.. I thought the fog on the river below the Lunch hole added a bit of drama to the trip.
Next year I vote for an earlier weekend in May and the Dry Fork as the destination. This was the second M-day I've missed and the last for a while.
til next

Ottawa Armada

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 2:24 am
by Kevin
dam to bad i coudn't make it out, sounds like i missed an amazing time,

An Ottawa Armada would be awesome.

Sorry I missed 03 Armada, new boat on the way

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:42 am
by maxwell
Hi all. Sounds like I missed a great weekend, with some potentially fabulous paddling. Our family business (paddling shop) supplies canoes to a few of the adventure racing series up here, and this past weekend we were hauling 101 of our canoes about 5 hrs north. It was our third race weekend in a row, but now we get to rest up for the long weekend, better known as the May "2-4".
I was disappointed to miss getting together again, but am resolved to do it before the end of this season. Also, I'll be posting pictures of my new boat in the next few weeks (I hope). It is a C-2 playboat. 11 feet long, with a big planing hull. The hull is finished, so now I just need to do the deck. Anyone have any input on offset cockpits?(Bow offset left, stern offset right) Any input would be much appreciated. Thanx again.


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:22 pm
by KNeal
I'm REALLY miffed that I missed this year's Armada :cry: ! Next year, work will not be more important that seeing y'all and a flooded Savage and harranguing the employees at Fox's Pizza. Glad to hear everything went well, though I believe if I was able to make it, we could have found a few interesting places to make first descents after all the rain that came down :o . I wonder what Adam's Acrobat would have been like on the NB Potomac at that level 8) ?

Who is going to the Potomac Fest up at Great Falls? It is the very last weekend of May (May 30-June1?). I will be in attendance with my Atom for the surf competition and my Maverick for the downriver and attainment races. Dave M. and Scott W., are you going to be there? If anyone wants more information, go to <>. There is a deadline for the competition entries, but you do not have to pay to paddle the Gorge and hang out with other pro boaters and local paddlers (other than paying the park fee).

C U then!