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Nantahala this weekend.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 10:41 pm
by Mike W.
Who wants to paddle Saturday & Sunday? Mel? Anyone?

I'll get there very late Friday night. I plan to camp at Turkey Creek. Look for a blue GMC extra cab. No racks. The Big EZ will be down in the bed.

Mike W.

there's a stealth kayaker in our midsts

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 10:13 pm
by Mike W.
You know who you are :wink: . I wouldn't have let anyone on this board know either if I had been in a KAYAK :oops: on the Nantahala this past weekend. Especialy after an invite went out with no response. You looked so short in that boat that I almost didn't recognize you.

It was great to meet a few more folks from the board. I also spread the word about the board to a few who had not heard of it.

I got to try an Ultrafuge. It transitions from stern to bow stations fast & real smooth. I think it's a little faster than my Big EZ too.

I had the oportunity to try a Session. I had been wanting to try one for a long time. Too bad I was too wide to get in the little thing.

Mike W.

do tell

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:07 pm
by sbroam
Do tell, so the appropriate parties can be chastised and further encouraged from backsliding to the ways of the dark side. It is a hard road, but the toughest trails lead to the best views. Or something sage sounding like that :lol:

Enough is enough

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 2:58 am
by KNeal
All right. That does it! There have been several posts recently about some of our fellow c-boaters that have been playing around with the "dark side" :evil: . We need to bring these individuals to the light and EXPOSE their weakness. Only then will they truly be "respectable" in every sense of the word. Anything less and they will be just another kyacker relying on their training blades. :(

Remember that the "dark side" :evil: is seductive--it draws you in by playing on your feelings :o . Resist the temptation! Do not give in to any weakness. Clear your mind and focus on what is real and important and keep saying to yourself, "It is ALL about the surf!" 8)
