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Super EZ C-1?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 5:22 pm
by nathan
I had the privilege of running into Mike W. on the Nantahala this past weekend and got to try to his Big EZ C-1. It was awesome and I really loved it. Now, my roommate wants a Super EZ to play with.

My question is, does anyone have a Super EZ C-1? He paddles a Viper 12 and wants to try C-1. He is a big guy so I just wanna get the info before he commits to this. Thanks guys


Super EZ C1

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 6:48 pm
by NZMatt
I think that's what Kalin paddles. Drop him a line.


Unbelievably, totally, incredibly...

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:53 pm
by Kalin

Probably the best "all 'round" C1 for a bigger paddler (i.e. over 210 lbs). Carthweels, spins, hops....AND gets you down the River in style. But be is NOT on OC1 and will feel like a big leap from that style of paddling.

I am off to the Ottawa Armada but I will write more when I return next week. If you have specific q's then drop me a line.


Kalin of the Great White North 8)

Ya' gotta get to an Armada

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 7:59 pm
by Mike W.
Nathan, like I told you at Surfer's. Y'all have to get to an Armada. Folks bring all sorts of boats & swap 'em around, just like we did on the Nanty. Only most folks won't take your boat as for as long as I took yours :wink: There was everything from race boats to conversions of all sorts & even a Groove :P

Mike W.

Super EZ

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 1:24 am
by dillonpro
I'm wondering how stable the Super EZ is in class IV water. I just ran the Numbers on the Arkansas in Colorado in June in my GTX and the boat was very stable and eddied like a champ but can not get much vertical play with all that volume. I guess I'm wanting the best of both worlds, great stablility in class IV-V water and at least some stern squirts. I'm 6'3" 205lb. Looking at the stats of the Super EZ it may the one. Also considering a WS Score. Any other boats worth consideration? Thanks,

don't get the big

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 5:05 am
by Mike W.
I don't know how the Super is. I will not paddle technical stuff in me big ez. It's just too slow to make the moves. It's a great park & play boat though.

Mike W.