I say the C-forum should put in a nomination...

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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I say the C-forum should put in a nomination...

Post by CosmikDebris »

...for Space Canoe as the next governor of California. What does everyone else think? I think he'd do a much better job than Arnold, and at least he's a Cboater.
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Cone Bone
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I second the nomination

Post by Cone Bone »

Yeah, Space Canoe for Guv!

Whaddya say, RT? We could get a C-1 movement started out here in the west.
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Post by dillonpro »

I'll certainly get behind that movement. He has gone out of his way to give me excellent picture by picture instruction in raising a cockpit with his "hot water technique. Very ingenious but a bit wacked, he should fit right in. Go get em.
Ocoee Boater
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Post by Ocoee Boater »

The world needs more paddler influence especially since hes a So Cal rep !! 8)
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Post by Space Canoe »

Thank you, Thank you, my fellow Demublicans and all other registered Vertebrates……
If nominated I shall not stun
If elected I shall not swerve

How ‘bout this for a Campaign Slogan:
“A c-1 in every garage
And a cold beer at every portage”

I make this solemn political oath: NO DOLLARS FROM DOUBLE-BLADERS!!EVER!!
(now, two dollars? Or more? Well………..)

As to my campaign; A bit wacked, Larry ??!! Excuse me, but It’s Wack-aholic,… it’s Wacked-on-a-STICK!!

Cosmik and Space go so well together, so he can be my Vice-governor and handle all my vice.

Cone Bone willl be Administrator of all Ice Cream and Adult movie sales, as his name suggests.

The Entire L.A. river is to be turned into a 30 mile slalom run

Any action movie that doesn’t have a great paddling sequence has to buy all C-1ers in the state a new boat!!!

The official State Religion will be the Benevolent Order of the Divine Hull.
At any put-in and takeout all kayakers have to portage the C1s!!

All Freshman High school classes have to take “C1-101, an introduction to seeking the radiance”

I think that “The Ahnuld” should get his silk-diapered butt out in the real political arena and campaign for a year and a half like the big boys and not try to slide in on the back of some other sleazeball. This little rider that spawned this whole mess is in the constitution, so (being wacked and proud of it and thus a member of no organized party affiliation) I hope that if Shwarzenator wins the Democrats will play tit for tat and mount a recall against him. It only takes 9% of the voting population to mount one of these recalls. And in California? Are you kidding? You can find 9 % to impeach Elvis for having Hilary’s baby!!

(And I thought nothing could top O.J.)
Ocoee Boater
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Post by Ocoee Boater »

that was hilarious Space Canoe!!! :D
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Political Strategy

Post by Cone Bone »


I know you may not want to hear this so early in your campaign, but since you made me one of you adminstrators, I feel obligated to speak my mind.

Just suppose for a moment that your campaign does not reach critical mass with the voting public. Many a new politician has had to throw his meager following behind a candidate that has a better chance of winning. What I am saying... is... what about endorsing Ahnuld as the canoers' candidate?

Start with his fame as the "Terminator." The "Terminator" is a very small step away from being the "Detonator." We all know that open boats are a great place to start as a single blader. Also, if Ahnuld's butt really is silk-diapered, we should not cover it up with a skirt. Once we take the public through the T1 to D1 transition, going on to C1, and even C2 should be easy.

I only suggest all this with the highest regard for your candidacy! As a back up plan, for the good of single bladers in the great state of Ca1ifornia.

Ponder it next time you're on the river.
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