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Some ugly rolling video clips for you to critique ...

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:21 am
by C1Deli
Took some video clips of me fooling round on a lake yesterday, as I thought maybe it would be instructive and some kind souls would comment on my atrocious style ... :oops:

I couldn't get the video clips any smaller, sorry, maybe someone has tips on how to scale down the size, bitrate, etc -- but they're not too bad.

First up: The back deck roll. I *think* there's nothing much wrong with this -- works reliably and is quick ... ... ckroll.mpg

[2.3MB] Right-click and Save Target As

I use the backdeck roll all the time, and only if it fails do I set up for the classic roll.

Now the what I call the 'classic' roll -- ... icroll.mpg

3.8MB Right-click and Save Target As

Not bad, a bit weak though ....

And what happens when you don't flick your hips!

2.7MB Right-click and Save Target As

That's really the benefit of this videoing process -- it has revealed my lack of hip flick. I still get up, but my paddle has sunk so deep and vertical it offers no support once I'm up, and I often let go of the shaft and/or fall back in again, as evidenced by this final clip ---

2.5MB Right-click and Save Target As

Sure, I can muscle up on the blade, but I would consider that unacceptable in a kayak roll --- so it's back to the pool for me!

Thanks for watching, any comments more than welcome!


Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:31 pm
by NEOC Slalom Rules
After having secured an automatic "Bailout" instinct after several talks with God, the viewing of some footage of rolls is good for my soul. Maybe it will help me overcome my survival instincts and save on boat repair and scars.


Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:36 pm
by KNeal
I have only one question. Do you personally recommend that we start slashing our necks everytime we stick a roll? Ha ha ha :lol: ! I'm trying to be funny again.

I only watched the first 2 videos (back deck roll, classic) and really like them. Thanks for putting them up here for us. Maybe "Sir Adam" can add these to the C-FAQ section on rolling (along with everything else he and Brettal have done to this really terrific website :D )? Maybe we can get more video of other rolling methods (off-side, bow deck, "Zero-to-Hero", c-2, etc.)? Maybe I need to get off the computer and quit posting my opinions and get stuff done today? :-?



Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:12 pm
by Sir Adam
Thank you for posting the links! Would you mind if I linked to them from the C FAQ section, as KNeal suggested? There is one link to a rolling website (along with yours already, actually) under the "Other CBoaters Web pages" on the front page (which I'm re-doing...albeit slowly).

I'm redoing a lot of the non-boat part of CBoats right now, for those that are curious, and will be cleaning up the info on Skirts, Helmets, Paddles, and at least posting some info about rolling. One of these days perhaps I'll see if I can use some of Davey Hearns articles on technique, and add others as well. Right now I'm trying to keep the structure consistent so the site doesn't get TOO ugly. It is BIG right now...over 1000 images+several hundred pages.

More rolling video links:

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:50 am
by C1Deli
More rolling links:

Well you already have the link to Dirk's amazing underwater shots at:

but also worth a look are Shaggy's clip at:

The guy on the left in the C2 playboat roll seems to be doing an offside roll -- I only just noticed this -- is that how to do a C1 offside roll as well??!?!?

Then you have to see Allyson Rolls, which is the video clip which I learnt to roll from originally: ... rolls.mpeg

Only 0.18 MB!

That's a pretty good collection!