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Anyone going to Gauley Fest?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 6:46 pm
by KNeal
As of now, I am planning on going up to WVa the weekend of Gauley Fest, Sept. 19-21 (that will be Friday through Sunday). Whoever wants to hook up on Friday, we can run either the Upper or Lower Gauley or the New Gorge, depending on crowdedness, water levels, and our moods that morning :lol: . For Saturday, we can either take on the crowded madness on the Upper or paddle the Lower Gauley, or even head on over to the New. On Sunday, I usually like to zip on down the Upper Gauley to wrap up the weekend.

As you can tell, I pretty much plan on paddling whatever looks good on each day. Attending the Fest is traditional, so who can make it this year? Will we have enough to organize an official "Armada"? Raise your t-grip and post here. I will be happy to step up as Trip Organizer (definitely not river leader :o !).



Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 7:14 pm
by PAC
You forgot to mention Panther Creek KNeal. :wink: I want to see that boat of yours launching off the 27' falls AGAIN this year! 8) Note: Neal was not in his Atom at the time - it was just the quickest way to get the boat around this sucker - Warren played fetch at the base of the falls!
However, I will try keep from requiring your tire patching skills this time. :roll:
So the plan is to attend!!! :)
As for the Fest I plan on showing late Friday and running the Lower on Sat. - as usual (tradition). After that....??
However, things seem to keep changing on me on the home front so just pencil me in. I've already had to cancel on Adam's Hudson Armada :( !

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 7:40 pm
by Timzjatl
I'll be there with some K friends. Would anyone mind a few tag alongs for an upper run? I've done the lower, section 4 many times, and a fair amount of class 4 and a few big 5s etc, so I feel ready for the upper. I'd be interested in running whatever also. If all goes well I'll be in my new Vibe too, so that should be great

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 8:21 pm
by Guest
ill be there! i im gunna try and make all 3 days. sounds like fun! --- joey

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 1:26 pm
by CosmikDebris
I'll be there. Perhaps with this rain (given it keeps up) some of teh local creeks will be running, bring yer' creekboats.

Wow! This trip looks great!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:39 pm
by KNeal
The Gauley Fest weekend is only 2 weeks away and already several fellow c-boaters are planning on showing up! :D

So far, these boaters are planning on attending:
Mike Elsea(open boater)
Paul (PAC)
Tim (Timzjatl)
Will (Cosmik Debris)
Whitewater Bernie (yeehaw!)
and me
plus assorted guests (shudder :-? ) kyackers! :x (oh well, somebody has to help get them down the river :lol: )

I hope to contact whitewater Bernie and Eric Gehres, plus it would be great to have other Team ETC paddlers attend (hint, Jay!).

I am planning on staying at Battle Run Campgrounds for all nights. It is located just past the turnoff to the Upper Gauley putin. I'll post better directions later. I am planning on being traditional with paddling the Lower Gauley on Saturday and the Upper Gauley on Sunday (I may have to bail on Sunday, but that is an outside concern at this time) with a Friday paddle on whatever looks good (NRG, UG, LG). No idea what to do about dinner, so that will probably be a group decision each night. Breakfast can be "cook your own", or go to the truckstop on Rt. 19, which can also serve as a rendezvous point (and to fix flats--right PAC? :wink: ) After paddling and eating Saturday, it will be off to the festival and hopefully find a replacement helmet.



Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:22 pm
by Bernie
I will be there Festival Week and most of the other weekends and would be happy to assist in any way I can.
I would not recommend any first timers on the Upper on Saturday because it is realllllly crowded and if you dont enjoy running rapids with 20 other boaters at the same time you will not like the ride. It is like bumper cars on the river.
I will have several different c-1's with me and available to demo.
Sub 6 190 / 200
H3 245 / 255
I3 222
Batmax ( glass )
Godzilla prototype ( glass )

I'll be there

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 1:14 pm
by David Nickerson
I'll be there for a least a few days of boating. Will have the new Esquif Zoom on hand, probably a Detonator, Nitro, and Blast, as well.

Stop by the booth to say hello. Will also be camping at Battle Run.

Feel free to use the Esquif booth as a C-friendly meeting place at the Fest. (It'd be good to have the company!)

Looking forward to meeting many of you there!

Anyone from NY or nearby going to Gauley?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 1:34 pm
by NZMatt
Hi Guys

I can't make it down to Gaulye Fest this year, but I'm buying CosmikDebris' Acrobat and need a way to get it from Gauley back to somewhere near Ithaca, NY. I'm also going to be at Sir Adam's Hudson Armada, so I could also grab it from you then. I'd really be psyched if someone can help me out on this. Please send me a proviate message or email through the board and I'll get back to you inb short order...atleast until Wednesday....I'm heading north to introduce some friends to the joys of paddling the great white north on Wednesday and will be out of touch. You could also call me on 607 592 0098




Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:33 pm
by mshelton
I've never been to the G-fest but would like to go. The Gauley is above my skill level. Is there any thing class III near the event that may get some paddling. I don't want to feel like being the only one in the kiddie pool.

follow up.....

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:35 pm
by PAC
Good for you on the Acrobat. I thought about it but then at 180 I want to be "thinking about sinking" verses "sinking without thinking". :D
Anyway, Adam is being kind enough (thank you Sir A.) to pick up a Viper for me in Maine so I have to figure out some way to get that swap taken care of. Since the plan is (currently) for me to head to the fest I can at least ferry the Acrobat up to Pittsburgh. Once there we can figure out a game plan to move it further North. Your call - just let me know your interst.
PS: This also can add to the wife's confusion on exactly how many boats I really do have! :wink:

Oh and Mshelton have you paddled with KNeal? If so ask him what he thinks about you on the LG. If he thinks you can do it join us. Neal is very honest 8) and we are not all going for the hero routes - or at least I won't be :P . Or ask other boaters you respect to be honest with you! Just plan to paddle just one day on the Lower and then hike to check out the Upper the next day. You might surprise yourself as to your skill sets. Think about it! :wink:

Definitely give me a shout

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 1:07 am
by KNeal
Give me a call, Marshall, and we can either talk about your paddling or see if we can actually get together on the James and do some paddling. Then we can decide what will work.

The C-boaters' Gauley weekend IS an advanced/expert paddlers' trip so MAKE SURE you have some background for this kind of paddling:
- technical/big water paddling requiring on-the-spot boat scouting,
- capable of following verbal instructions (or be willing to accept the penalties for missing the necessary moves :o )
- have reliable self-rescue skills
- have the appropriate paddling and rescue gear
- and MOST IMPORTANT willing to have a great time with some REALLY cool single bladers 8) ).

There are plenty of other runs in the area (one of the many beauties West Virginia has for us paddlers) that are great for more intermediate/advanced boaters who do not feel up for the bigger challenges of the New River Gorge or the Gauley. Remember, the Fest is one of the draws for paddling that weekend. Come up, paddle, and get to the fest :D !

One final note to Joey. Ellen is driving up Friday night and is looking for someone to share the ride. Is your girlfriend going up? Is she able to go up Friday with Ellen? Let me know. Thanks!


P.S. And now, it is off to the Outer Banks with the boats for surfing (body and boat), running, paddling, lighthouse visiting, and restaurant eating :P !

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 1:10 am
by mshelton
Thanks for the info. I haven't had the chance to paddle with Kneal yet, I was going to try to hook up with him for some help on learing to roll but I dropped the ball, work was pretty bad that week kinda foggy. I'm leaning towards going. My fiance is going on her beach vacation that weekend so I better enjoy the free weekend. Does anybody know if the new Keith Backlund will be for sale there or if there is any new news on those?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 4:36 am
by Eric

I'm definately heading down for the festival. I don't know today if I'm in for Saturday on the Lower or Sunday on the Upper, or both. The New R. is where I've often escaped to on Gauley Fest Saturdays. My delimna is a new girlfriend, who incidentally has paddled the Lower Yough six times in a GT this summer, who may require my time one day or the other. Note - when I saw Paul and you on the Yough this summer, it was to be one of many days I spent paddling the Lower Yough this summer, escorting a GT. Things could be worse. I'll just have to see how things play out.

Always camp at Battle Run with the Coumbus group near the further back bath house. Maybe I'll camp with you guys. Again issues as she is friends with all of the Cols. paddlers.

Whipped but slowly strengthing my resolve,


Boat Transport

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 12:39 pm
by C1Dub

I am heading to the Esopus Slalom in Phoenicia, NY on Oct. 4-5th from the Pittsburgh area. I could hook up with PAC to pick up the Acrobat and bring it as far as Phoenicia. It that near Ithaca? Haven't looked at a NY map lately.
