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back surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:00 pm
by christineb
Anybody out there paddle an OC-1 still after back surgery?

A little more detail?

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 4:49 pm
by KNeal
Would you be willing to give a little more detail on the back surgery? Was there a traumatic injury or a chronic condition that needed work done on it? What got worked on and did you go through physical therapy? What is your flexibility like at this time? Do you have any "Do not" rules?

It's good to hear that you're back in your boat I wish you a continued, and speedy, recovery to full function and health. If you have any specific exercise-related question, post them and I'll see if I can help find answers.

Happy to help a fellow single-blader.


Yes, I had surgery this summer .. back paddling

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:30 pm
by msims
Hi Christine,

I had surgery on June 26. I was off for about 5-6 weeks I think before getting back in my boat. I had surgery after about 3 years of dealing with a bitter L5/S1 herniation.. The surgery was a success and I've been slowly rehabilitating myself, although Dr's and Physio's say it will likely be a 3-6 month recovery.

A couple points. Get a GOOD physiotherapist. Don't go to one who just lifts your leg and applies heat. Those guys are pretty useless. I've been seeing a great PT that is extremely physical in his treatment. He really stretches out the problem muscles in the lower back, hip flexors, hamstring, gluts. I'm guessing if you've had back surgery your hamstring feels tight, and one of your legs are deficient.

I have to still be careful in stretching out my gluts before getting into a boat, you put tremendous strain on your thighs by being in a boat. I've already pulled it once pretty bad (first time out i think).

Do lots and lots of stretching.. many of the Yoga stretches you will find extremely useful. I borow some of those for my stretching.

Good luck, email me if you want to talk anymore about it! Sorry if I droned on about it... I tried just about everything before surg, Shiatsu I found to be the most fast-acting, and a good PT is key!



Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:32 pm
by msims
Sheesh, I just realized i only have 4 posts, although I've spent plenty of time reading these posts, haven't really contributed much!

-so this post is here just to build numbers! ;-) I wanna be a pain boater! :-D

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:04 am
by the great gonzo
mike, good to hear that your backsurgery went well!
we've got to do some paddling this fall, before the rivers freeze up.
let me know when and where!


always keep the open side up!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 2:49 am
by msims
Hey Martin!

It would be great to see you this fall for some paddling! Let's try and go the week after the Gull Race. I'll be at the Gull next weekend, I hope to see you there!

I'm looking forward to trying out your boat!



Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 2:53 am
by aldenb
they have a race on the gull? is this a slalom race? when is it?

gull river race

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 3:19 am
by the great gonzo

I'll probably see you on the Gull then, I may be going there, unless the Kipawa runs at an irresistible level!
Sure you can try my new boat, the Prelude is an absolute blast of an open boat!
The Gull River Open Canoe Slalom is next Sunday, September 07.
For details check


keep the open side up!

back surgery

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 6:42 pm
by christineb
I tried to send a messege once and it didn't seem to go through, so bear with me. I am a licensed physical therapist assistant and after years of PT keeping me upright, I finally have had to succumb to the surgeon's request of a lumbar fusion at L5-S1, due to a bone-on-bone issue there for years and now having nerve damage issues. I am, of course in good shape and flexible,but at this point have no choice--the doc says I'll be out of action 4-5 months(paddling, that is)--I'll be able to go to work sooner(that sucks!)Anyway, I guess I'm looking for sympathy and anyone else's stories--send them on--looks like I'll be here a while!

back surgery

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:43 am
by dillonpro
This is too late since you have all ready had surgery but I thought I would tell my story of my recent back injury. Two years ago I was paddling my C-1 and flipped in a rapid with strong hydraulics and the current bent me backward over my backrest which hearneated L3 and ruptured L4. L5 was all ready 75% deteriorated and dried out. I was out of work for 2 months. I felt hopeless, I had much difficulty walking, had horrid pain and and back spasms which felt like someone was hitting me with a stun gun.
Bring one the stainless steel rods, nuts and bolts I said. I was ready for the knife. the pain was unbearable. I finally got in to see my nerosurgeon who ran tests inluding an MRI. He said several years ago they would have cut me open and installed the hardware but they had found that with physical therapy, 90% of the folks with my damage would be back to normal lives and he would have me back in my boat paddling again WITHOUT surgery. I laughed with disbelief but started the physical therapy anyway.
Well, I just got back from a four day trip on the Ocoee. I had a blast. I do have to take an anti-imflamatory (Vioxx) and still have pain especially after four days of paddling, but it is tolerable. I'm doing more river running now than play (less twisting) but I'm still out there and wouldn't trade a second of it for anything. I do have an exercise ritual which I was taught in physical therapy. As long as I do lots of walking, stretch and keep the abs and back muscles strong with the proper exercises taught to me, it supports my spine which helps keep everything in place. Thank God I didn't have a knife happy doctor. But, if I do someday come to the point of back surgery, you can bet I'll do everything possible to get back in my boat.
My hat is off to you. Hang in there.