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Anybody ever take a boat overseas?

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 9:49 pm
by Ocoee Boater
Im going to new zealand next year for student exchange and i heard theres killer spots to paddle. has anybody ever taken a boat on a plane cuz i wanna know hwo much it costs?

ocoee boater

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 11:34 pm
by NZMatt
Hiya Ocoee

Stay in touch about this - I'm a kiwi currently studying in the US and I may be moving back home in the new year. If I am, then I'm planning on shipping some boats home with me and we could probably figure something out.

As far as open boats go - they're virtually unheard of in NZ. I know there are a few rodeo OC1s down there from the Worlds a few years back, but that's about it. It's possible to order a Pyranha Prelude or Spanish Fly, but they aren't normally kept in stock by the distributor. This was how things were. I don't if this is still the case - my wife actually saw a Prelude in a shop in Wellington while she was down there over the past two weeks. She thought it was a combo between a shop demo and someone's personal boat. First time I'd heard of one in the country (but of course I'm currently based in NY).

As to C1's - your best bet is to get there and pick up a used or new Bliss Stick K1 and convert it. Bliss Stick's ( are made in NZ and can be got pretty cheaply from the factory - they're also a cool bunch and have an absolutely sweet home river - the Rangitikei which is definitely worth a run. Wayne, a member of this board, is a kiwi and Paul Eames is another C-boater I know of down there, both based in the lower North Island.

Don't forget to take a couple of paddles with you - you'll also have a devil of a job replacing one down there if you break one, although dragon boating is popular so maybe you could get one of those and modify it.

If you want a guide book, see if you can get someone to send you a copy of New Zealand Whitewater by Graham Charles. You can order it from the New Zealand Recreational Canoeing Association (NZRCA) website: This is also a good place to find some other info and I think they have a forum too.

(NB: In NZ when you use the word canoe, it means kayak! - same as in Britain)

Anyway, stay in touch and good luck



Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:09 am
by Ocoee Boater
ya, im taking..or rather i wanna take my transformer over. i just finished outfitting it and i would like to keep pplayin with it over there in new zealand...ya so i'll write again to you once i figure out the gory details..thanx matt

ocoee boater

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:14 am
by NZMatt
No worries, Bryce. It shouldn't be too hard to take the Transformer over there. Probably cost about $50 on the plane each way. Hey - whereabouts were you thinking of going (which university)?


I just got back

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 2:59 am
by Guest
I just got back from a semester at the university of canterbury. great paddling great people. Amazing country. I tried to get my boat there but the airlines gave me so much crap and so much differing information i gave up. But yea, get a bliss-stick. Great boat, cheap and convert. Have a great time. I know you will.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:32 pm
by CosmikDebris
I'm going to New Zealand in November and was wondering the same thing. I was going to try to sell my playboat here before I left and buy a Flipstick while I'm down there. The only problem is I'm not going to have a vehicle as far as I know so I'm not sure how easy it'll be to paddle. Also, I was wondering if any of yall had any information on work visa's? My friend and I are planning on going for like 5 months and only want to have to work when we need money. We have heard that it is easy to find temporary under the table work picking fruit and whatnot, but someone else just told me I had to get a work visa? Do you have any advice? We're trying to leave mid-November, but if we have to get a Visa it may delay our departure. Thanks,
Will get the boat yet?

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:46 pm
by NZMatt
Hi Will

I'll be picking the boat up this weekend from Adam....can't wait. Did the check reach you OK?

You going to NZ too? Cool! I won't be back by then, but you'll have a blast. I'll send you a PM about visa stuff. Basically, getting a work visa will be very difficult, but you might be able to get on a Student Work program or something...otherwise there are ways and means of stretching things out - some are even legal. The American dollar goes a long way there, which helps.

Cars can be picked up pretty cheaply and a lot of folks do that fi they'll be there for a few should be able to get more info from other backpackers when you get there. A lot of paddlers are around too and are normally happy to give rides....see if you can hook up with some of the university clubs before you leave...a lot of students will be spending the summer travelling as much as they can afford. The Kiwi Experience bus system is also worth a check.


Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 5:36 am
by wayne
:D Cool some more people who paddle a real boat coming over here. Do you know where you are going to be based? If your around Wanganui call in, it would be great to do a river trip with other C1's. Bliss-stick are good boats and they are every where, if you can make it to the factory to get one or order one before you get here I think PaulE would help you set it up, he's always keen to get people into C1. Also they would a flip-stick C1 for sale at the start of this year, I don't know if its still for sale. If you are after info, from people on different area's go to it's forum is the best way to get in touch with lots of people. As far as paddles go the only ones I have found are Rochfort paddles they are very good and light, check them out at . As for work visa's as long as you don't get caught you don't need them, but you may want them just to be safe, it's up too you.

Hope you have a great time over here and I hope we can catch up some time.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 6:48 pm
by Ocoee Boater
Ya, Im applying to Auckland annd Massey University and I am also applynig on the south shore at Canterbury and Otago and one more place that i forget right now :lol: . but ya man im lookin to see tons of boaters and i figure massey is the perfect spot because it is right in the middle kinda of the north and south island.. 8) 8)
