Open Canoe Nationals Ballot
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 9:40 pm
Open Canoe Slalom Racers,
I have posted this ballot here as the Forum on the ACA Open Canoe Slalom Committee site is currently down and we need to discuss these issues before the vote is taken. Visit the ACA site and select events and then open canoe slalom to get to the current rules etc. For those of you who haven't visited this site, its an awesome one both for open boaters and those on the dark(Decked) side. Me, I go both ways. To the forum regulars, your input is most appreciated to. Maybe we'll get you to try out the Nationals some year when it comes to your town.
My current leanings are 1. Yes they're the only game in town. 2. No Its too controversial at this time, Many for/Many against keep it the same until that situation changes. 3. No I think we've got enough West representation right now although Alan is an excellant person and will serve in the future. 4. Yes Its been my pet project to simplify this scoring nightmare. 5. Yes although my New England counterparts have been quick to point out that the Southern crew will have a big advantage if its held early in the spring. We can't paddle in Ice too easily. But it would open up lots of great sites to contest it at.
New England Open Canoe Slalom Committee Representative
To: The Open Canoe Slalom Voting Committee
From: Bob & Jill Stecker, co-chairs 1 November 2003
Committee Members: this is the last item of business from your present co-chairs. Jill and I take this opportunity to thank all of you for working with us over the past 5 years. Our term of office expires December 31, 2003.
You will note that the first item on the ballot is your vote of approval for the new co-chairs. This vote will be conducted by us---our current 14-member voting committee---not by the affiliate membership as was done in 2001. We were informed by the ACA that this voting procedure is consistent with other ACA National Activity Committees and recommended we follow it.
Due date for your vote is 15 November 2003.
Please respond immediately and let us know that you have received this ballot. We need to be assured that everyone has the ballot in hand. (The 2 week deadline follows the ACA recommendation for e-mail voting).
Item 1. The new Open Canoe Slalom chair position. Fortunately we have two well qualified people who are willing to act as co-chairs. Are you in favor of having Connie Miner and Sam Montague function as Open Canoe Slalom co-chairs for the next two years?
Item 2. Gate penalties. Are you in favor of changing our present penalty for touching a gate from the 10-second penalty to a 5-second penalty?
Item 3. Member-at-large. Are you in favor of electing Alan Burgmuller as member-at-large?
Item 4. Calculating the Combined Event. Are you in favor of using the proposed percentage method for calculating the Combined Race Event (as described by Pat Cleary) at the 2004 Nationals in order to further evaluate this method prior to adoption?
Item 5. Time period for the Nationals. Our current rules state…”Article VIII, 11…The Open Canoe Nationals should take place between June 20 and August 20.” Are you in favor of replacing this rule with the following?
“Because of seasonal differences in river flows at potential race sites across the country, the Open Canoe Slalom Nationals may take place at times other than the mid-summer period.”
I have posted this ballot here as the Forum on the ACA Open Canoe Slalom Committee site is currently down and we need to discuss these issues before the vote is taken. Visit the ACA site and select events and then open canoe slalom to get to the current rules etc. For those of you who haven't visited this site, its an awesome one both for open boaters and those on the dark(Decked) side. Me, I go both ways. To the forum regulars, your input is most appreciated to. Maybe we'll get you to try out the Nationals some year when it comes to your town.
My current leanings are 1. Yes they're the only game in town. 2. No Its too controversial at this time, Many for/Many against keep it the same until that situation changes. 3. No I think we've got enough West representation right now although Alan is an excellant person and will serve in the future. 4. Yes Its been my pet project to simplify this scoring nightmare. 5. Yes although my New England counterparts have been quick to point out that the Southern crew will have a big advantage if its held early in the spring. We can't paddle in Ice too easily. But it would open up lots of great sites to contest it at.
New England Open Canoe Slalom Committee Representative
To: The Open Canoe Slalom Voting Committee
From: Bob & Jill Stecker, co-chairs 1 November 2003
Committee Members: this is the last item of business from your present co-chairs. Jill and I take this opportunity to thank all of you for working with us over the past 5 years. Our term of office expires December 31, 2003.
You will note that the first item on the ballot is your vote of approval for the new co-chairs. This vote will be conducted by us---our current 14-member voting committee---not by the affiliate membership as was done in 2001. We were informed by the ACA that this voting procedure is consistent with other ACA National Activity Committees and recommended we follow it.
Due date for your vote is 15 November 2003.
Please respond immediately and let us know that you have received this ballot. We need to be assured that everyone has the ballot in hand. (The 2 week deadline follows the ACA recommendation for e-mail voting).
Item 1. The new Open Canoe Slalom chair position. Fortunately we have two well qualified people who are willing to act as co-chairs. Are you in favor of having Connie Miner and Sam Montague function as Open Canoe Slalom co-chairs for the next two years?
Item 2. Gate penalties. Are you in favor of changing our present penalty for touching a gate from the 10-second penalty to a 5-second penalty?
Item 3. Member-at-large. Are you in favor of electing Alan Burgmuller as member-at-large?
Item 4. Calculating the Combined Event. Are you in favor of using the proposed percentage method for calculating the Combined Race Event (as described by Pat Cleary) at the 2004 Nationals in order to further evaluate this method prior to adoption?
Item 5. Time period for the Nationals. Our current rules state…”Article VIII, 11…The Open Canoe Nationals should take place between June 20 and August 20.” Are you in favor of replacing this rule with the following?
“Because of seasonal differences in river flows at potential race sites across the country, the Open Canoe Slalom Nationals may take place at times other than the mid-summer period.”