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First trip to the pool!!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 12:39 am
by Twiggy
Last night I brought my XXX to the pool to play around for the first time as a c1. Being 5'5" 120lbs, it was hard to ever get the thing vertical as a k1 , now the bow goes down without any effort. I found out some things I did good and what I need to fix for next time. I could definatley use a little rolling advice, and a better way to fix my thigh straps. Right now the back of the straps are in the old seat bolts, and Im trying to use a D Ring for between my legs but it's not working so well, keeps comming off :( , any advice??

P.s now Im totally hooked on c1

thigh straps

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:31 am
by chuck naill
Can you use a stainless bolt and attach the d ring to the pedistal? You might need to cut all but the center of the d ring and then fold over the nylon webbing and put a hole through the webbing. Use some large stainless washers to strengthen the webbing material.

Also, I used two sets of thigh straps, One just over the knees and the other over the thighs. Both attach to the same place between the knee, but at differant parts on the sides. Hope this make sense.

The roll: The roll the the same movement as a brace. If you are upside down you are reaching for the surface, rotating your body into position and then bracing upward. Of course the classic set up can be used as we learn to roll. AS Bob Foote always says keep your head low though as you roll up.

I am sure you will receive many good tips from this question.


Chuck/Tennessee :)


Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 12:51 pm
by TommyC1
The D-ring glue will not hold to a tupperware boat.
My Foreplay (outfitted by Alden B) has a 1" aluminum tube running from the pedestal to the forward pillar close to the floor. It might run all the way back to the rear pillar. The thighstraps run to that and it seems to be solid.


other thoughts

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:33 pm
by PAC
The suggestions above are really good ones. If you can't get it figured out run a stay (metal or plastic) from one side of the boat to the other. You might have to reinforce it (or build it wide) with a cross connect to the pedestal (I hope this makes sense to you).
Also since you are in the pool take small pieces of mini cell with you and use them as adjustments on seat height and location (forward and back, slope - slalom trick that works for playing).
The adjustment of were you sit can really impact the trim of a short boat (See the Groove thread for proof of that).
You want the xxx to be a bit (very little) stren heavy since the xxx does not have a lot of rocker. So when you running rivers you don't do unwanted bow stales - at least I didn't. :o
As you test - work within all planes - river running, play, rolling. You'll find that you have your own personal sweet spot!!! 8)
very cool to hear your having fun with it. Remember outfitting to your needs / wants is part of the pleasure of being C! 8)