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Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:07 pm
by New OC-1
Adam, if this is inappropriate please remove it.
Factory news flash:
Esquif Canoes will be producing the IGNITOR, which was designed by Millbrook Boats, in ABS very soon. Approx L - 12". Approx W- 25". D-16". Approx price - $925 US. IGNITOR will be available in vinyl or wood rails.
Also, Millbrook Boats is now an Esquif dealer. Located in beautiful NH, we have no sales tax.
Thanks for reading this.


Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:18 pm
by KNeal
Gee, Kaz! You're enticing us with a new canoe on the market that promotes our enjoyment of the river :P . I find that very appropriate. With our spring armada coming up and the possibility of a near-future concordia, you might have to bring demos and come to these events :D ! I'm sure your schedule is wide open, what with your plans to drive out to California-land and all, you should have PLENTY of time to come south :wink: . At least I hope you do.


Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:50 pm
by msims

Can you tell us more about this boat? Or will we need to wait until the Esquif Marketing Machine releases info? Was this the reason for your poll of last year?


Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:07 pm
by Kaz
The Ignitor will actually be closer to 12', not 12" as I originally posted. It will look and behave very similar to the composite Ignitor that I currently offer. It will be touted as a high performance river running boat. Please don't ask if it's a playboat, creeker, river runner, etc, etc. They all mean the same thing to me.
Stay tuned for more info.
......and there are a couple other things brewin' too. Later.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:22 pm
by tgb
hearing about dagger closing up the canoe shop was a bummer. it sure is great to see other companies like millbrook, esquif & bell jumping in & taking up the slack! i'm looking forward to see these new additions to the offerings for c-boaters.

PS - what is the optimal paddler weight range going to be for the abs ignitor? (gotta ask this for us big boys) also, any word on esquif's secret, new material?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:00 pm
by the great gonzo

Is the Ignitor suitable as a tandem or is it too small?


Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:04 pm
by Kaz
Here's a little story for you. Several years ago 2 high ranking officials from Dagger were attending a boat trade show in Manchester,NH. I put them up at my home that evening. As they were poking around in my shop they happened to notice the REAKTOR prototype. They found that very interesting. What I found interesting was that later that summer the Prophet was introduced. It beared a resemblance to my Reaktor. I wonder where they got that idea from? Anyway that's not the story. One Dagger honch traded me a Dagger t-shirt for one of my Millbrook hats. He looked at the hat and boasted how this hat will be a collectors item someday. Now, when I look at that framed and mounted t-shirt he gave me, I think maybe I have something valuable. Nah.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:06 pm
by Kaz
Oh yeah, what was the question again? Max weight on the Ignitor might be 200 lbs. Maybe. Definitely not enough volume for tandem use. This boat is a thoroughbred. I hope. We'll see.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:08 pm
by NEOC Slalom Rules
I have paddled my Ignitor tandem in trying to get a crashed and burned fiend (I left out the r on purpose) back to river right at the Blackwater slalom a few years ago, after aforementioned fiend took a spectacular swim. We totaled about 320 lb at the time. If you really want to get your fix of adrenaline, I highly recommend paddling the Ignitor as a tandem boat. It turns class III into Class VI. If you value your tandem partner as a fRiend, you might look elsewhere for that tandem boat. The Ignitor's big brother, the Prowler, makes a fine high level tandem boat. It is the standard on our slalom racing circuit. John mentioned staying ready for further developments. John?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:32 pm
by Kaz
Sorry there big guy, no comment at this time. Just keep thinking about sasquatch.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:25 pm
by Craig Smerda
...I'm shocked.... and happy for you. It's about time a major manufacturer used one of your designs in plastic. Does this also mean you have another class to challenge Dana in or will we have to develop a new special one???

I suppose this means your getting one of those fancy RV's like EJ used to have, with an oversized picture of yourself on the side, a gas card, new shorts, sandals and the whole nine yards. Wow... cool... or a new decal for the window of the minivan at least.

Seriously... congratulation's John!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:42 pm
by the great gonzo
Well, I am definitey not gonna get an Ignitor for tandem use then :o .
I like the lines of the Prowler, but I like my boats a little shorter, more like 13 ft for a tandem.



Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 10:12 pm
by Kalifornia_Kid
Sounds way cool Kaz, a plaztic Ignitor. I think it would be interesting to see you and Dana go head to head in the REC class with the Outrage and the Ignitor. I guess you already covered that you're not going to tell us if any of your other boats are in the works, so I won't ask :wink: ...again. How bout a Fat Boy for all of us Fat Boyz? Hehe. See you in July.
Kalifornia Kid

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 11:30 pm
by Kaz
Hey Kid Rob,
As you know, Esquif is donating a canoe for the raffle at slalom nats this year in Cal. What you may not know is that is going to be an abs Ignitor. Just thought I'd pass that on. Jacques at Esquif is a great guy. I don't mind hitching my wagon to his.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 11:35 pm
by Kaz
Oh yeah Rob, one more thing. When I'm designing the course this summer, the only Bigfoot I want to bump into is a case of Bigfoot stout.