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Viper 11 - Viper 12 reviews

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 2:27 am
by billcanoes
I paddled a Viper 12 last week and felt it was a nice quick boat and was very comfortable in it. I'm 5 7 195lbs. I think I'm going to order a Viper next week, but wanted some input. Part of me feels I should get the 11 so I will have more room for growth, but I liked the quickness of the Viper 12 and it felt good. Has anyone paddled both, and if so what do you like about each boat? Will anyone be at NOC Spring Splash with an 11 I can demo.


Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 2:54 am
by Mike W.
I can't help you on demoing a Viper. I very highly recomend the double thigh retainer though. I have a Probe 11 with the single thigh retainer & it's good. I had a chance to demo a couple of boats with the double & it's better. I ordered my Probe outfitted from the factory & felt that they did a great job.

I'll be at Spring Splash. I'm picking up a yellow & orange Amp C-1 on the way out. I hope to be paddling it. If not, I'll either be in a red Probe 11 or a red & orange Big EZ C-1.

Viper 11 vs. 12

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 8:29 pm
by River Rogue
Hello Bill,

Personally, I think you should go for the 11. If you felt comfortable in the 12, the 11 will give you room to grow. To me, the 12 seems to be a little big for you. Yes, it may be a little faster but I think you will be able to compensate with more boat control in the 11. Regardless, they are both great boats.

And I am a firm believer in double thigh straps. To me, the more connected with the boat I am, the better....and it makes it easier to roll.

Best of luck,

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 11:50 am
by RandyMolson
I own a Viper12 and have never tried a Viper11. If you get a chance to try an 11 at the Spring Splash, I am interesting in seeing your impressions!

viper 11- 12

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 4:48 pm
by billcanoes
Thanks for the input everyone. I wasn't able to make it to Spring Splash, so I still haven't tried the 11, so I still have a lot decision making to do in the next few days. I will definitely go with the double thigh retainer though.


viper 11

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 6:40 pm
by billcanoes
I wanted to thank everyone for their input. I never got to try the 11, but I ordered one with double straps. I'll let you know how I like it in two weeks.
