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Detonator vs. phantom... need help.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 2:41 am
by cjboater
I've been paddling my detonator for about a year and a half and absolutely love it. I'm super comfortable in it feel that it is an extension of myself. The only problem is the hull has worn paper thin on the edge. :cry: I have found a good deal on a new phantom but have never paddled one . I began openboating 2 years ago in a rival and liked that boat though I had no oc1 experience (past 4 years in k1). I'm looking for some opinions on the phantom from some folks, or a chance to demo someones in the Atlanta to NOC area. I'm 5'10", 165# aggressive paddler looking for a great III+ to IV riverrunner/creeker with some play potential for spins and enders. I demoed an ovation 6 months ago and did not care for it. I've been told the ovation and phantom are not very alike, but if they are let me know so I can get this phantom outta my head. As I said I really love my det and would like nothing more than to get another, but if the phantom is a better boat (I doubt it could be) I will go for it. Also price is a factor as I'm a poor raft guide and the phantom is half the cost of the det.

Anyways, thanks in advance for any info you can give me.

Think rain,
Chris 8)

Phantom vs deto

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 3:57 am
by (O)C
The Phantom is very different (more snappy) from the Ovation. Many advanced paddlers like it but it is not for everyone and is kind of a tub when full of water (can be remedied somewhat by foam and or bulkhead outfit). Better for lighter paddlers. I personally prefer the feel to the Detonator....


Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:34 am
by sbroam
Keep the Det, but fix it - you could reinforce that chine with kevlar felt (similar to grunch pads) or ABS. Do a search here, others have done it. It's just like with cars, it's almost alwasy cheaper to fix than buy new! :wink:

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 12:33 pm
by Martyn
The Detonator and Phantom are very different boats. My take on the two is that the Phantom responds better to finesse but doesn't surf as well and is a pig when wet. The hull shapes are very different. The Phantom is very round, pretty similar to the Rival.

I'd have to agree with the other posts. If you like your Detonator, hang on to it. I know NZMAtt put some pretty heavy wear on his so he may have some good ideas as to how to fix the hull.


Det vs Phantom

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 1:25 pm
by NZMatt

I have a Detonator, and yes it's had some good wear and tear. You can put on skid plates (kevlar felt and epoxy resin) on the chines. You'll need to get the kevlar from John Sweet or someone else who carries it in a roll, as the precut skid plates for acnoes are the wrong shape. You just need a couple of long skinny rectangles. Be careful not to use too much resin though (that's what I did and they turned out too brittle).

My wife has a phantom, so I can try to give a comparison. First some background though. My detonator is one of the early ones and is very heavy. Not sure if that is 100% characteristic or not. Also, my saddle is nearly 10" high, whihc may affect my perceptions of stability. I find the Detonator less stable on primary, but possibly more stable on secondary than the Phantom. There is also more of a distinct transition between the two. The Phantom is lighter and faster. Both turn extremely well, but the Phantom is perhaps a hair easier. I can't compare the two when full of water or for rolling as my wife doesn't use straps, so I've never had the chance to mess with the Phantom in those conditions. I did borrow one at one point before I bought the Detonator, but was too green then to really note much. I liked the boat though, and still do. I know a number of people who paddle them and really like them. Same goes for the Detonator. If I am going to get a newbie to try one of our boats on flatwater, it's always the Phantom. Just because of primary stability.

For some more background, the Detonator was my first OC1 as I transitioned from kayaking. I now paddle exclusively OC1 and C1 and am just looking to upgrade from the Detonator to the Zoom. My only complaints with the Detonator are the lack of speed and carving ability (in and out eddies is what I'm thinking of). I really want something faster with sharper edges, hence the desire for a Zoom.

My recommendation would be to repair your Detonator. Definitely the cheapest option (<$50 for materials). If not, then you can always try the Phantom. I doubt you'll lose money if you decide to sell it as they're hard to find and very popular.


Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 1:16 am
by cjboater
Thanks to all for your responses, I have found what I think will be a good repair method for my det. All the info was great and after consideration I probably would get another det anyway, it's just such a great boat.

Hey glenn, email me for the info you wanted.

Think rain!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 10:43 pm
by cjboater
The new phantom is at wildwood outfitters in N. Ga.

The upper hooch outpost. $550

Let the race begin