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Definitions needed: cboat, paddlesnake

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:15 pm
by Roger
What is the definition of a cboat?

What is a paddlesnake?




Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 9:47 pm
by Sir Adam
My definition of a "CBoat" is a whitewater canoe, either decked or open. Technically I guess a CBoat would be any canoe, or rather any craft paddled with a single canoe paddle from the kneeling or a raised seat position. I suspect most folks who say "CBoat" are refering to a decked canoe, or C1, though 8) .

I'll leave it to others to explain paddlesnakes :wink:

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 12:11 am
by Roger
Then why are many of the boats displayed on this site, under C1 Rec Boats, etc. kayaks?

Kayaks & paddlesnakes

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 2:42 am
by TommyC1
There's plenty of decked canoes but no kayaks on this site.
I guess some of them used to be kayaks, but they been fixxed.
Nope no kayaks here.
You guy's seen any kayaks?

Now paddlesnakes, those are found in rapids through out the world. They are super intelligent reptiles with a voracious appetite for paddles. Paddle snakes, unlike us, don't care if they are true paddles or those silly double bladed things.
You be running a rapid when WHAM! paddlesnake grab your paddle. Maybe rip it out of your hand. Maybe chomp it right in two. In either case you be up the creek you know?
Watch out for the paddlesnake.


Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 5:17 am
by Roger

NICE Tommy T:)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 10:49 am
by Sir Adam
Very apt description of a Paddlesnake if I ever heard one 8)

Roger-I can confirm what Tommy T stated-there are NO Kayaks on the "Boats" pages-they are all either Open Canoes (OC1 or OC2) or Decked Canoes (C1 or C2). The only Kayaks are within the "Outfitting" section where converting kayaks to a more honorable craft :wink: is discussed.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 11:39 am
by Sandie_
Sir Adam: "a CBoat would be any canoe, or rather any craft paddled with a single canoe paddle from the kneeling or a raised seat position"

Is a coracle a cboat then? Cool.

[img] ... oracle.jpg[/img] Me in a coracle.

I think I have just lost all street cred on this forum

K1 on the Rec page - look again

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 1:42 pm
by Jim P
On the C1 Rec Boats page, top right, pic, the boat between the Viper and the camera sure looks like a Butt boat to me.

BTW the same pic appears on the Viper page should you wish to expell the interloper :roll:

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:49 am
by the great gonzo

You can get your street cred back if you run McCoys Rapid on the Ottawa in your coracle 8)



Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:59 pm
by Sir Adam
We had this discussion a while back, and decided even the Revolution ("C2" catamaran) was probably a CBoat. Thankfully limiting to whitewater craft helps a lot. Yes, I WILL put a picture of you in the Coracle up...IF it's while you're running McCoys:). Phil's would LOVE that thing I'll be :lol: .

Jim P.-I should have been more specific-no boat page is dedicated to a kayak...some images that are of CBoats MAY include training cboaters with "training paddles" :wink: ), but they are incidental to the discussion 8) . You'll notice more on the Armada pages, for better or worse....