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PocketRocket or Scooter?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:57 pm
by SlickStick
sorry to keep asking what boats people think would work best, but it would be helpful to hear other peoples oppinions.

I have demoed both the Pocket Rocket and Scooter as K1s and was wondering which one people would recommend the most as a C1.
I have seen a few people paddle C1 Pocket Rockets before, but only 1 person in a scooter. Is there any particular performance related reason for this?

Thanks ,

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:04 pm
by willlyons
The problem with the scooter/bigwheel is that they are REALLY slow. They aren't very good on small river features either, which is what I would imagine ya'll play in cross the big river (it does have currents afterall). I would say the PR would be a better bet, or even the Space Cadet. How much do you weight (in yank terms)? I have really come to like my Jackson All-Star, and the Bliss-Stick RAD is a great boat too, especially on smaller features. If you are small enough to be looking at a PR, I would definatly recommend the RAD, or maybe the Star. The RAD may be old enough now to find one for a decent price.
I just re-read your post and as far as which one of the two would make a better C-1 I would again say the PR. I paddled a Big Wheel and thought it was a little off balanced cartwheeling (big stern, small bow) which is never good in a C1 although the RAD isn't much better. Also, I think the PR is easier to loop than the Scooter/BW because the bow is wider and a little more stable.
Maybe that helped a little?
PS-for what it's worth, the All Star is the most balanced cartwheeling short boat I have paddled so far even though it may not look it. Definatly worth checking out if you are thinking about buying one new.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:38 pm
by SlickStick

I was considering those 2 boats because i can get either of them really cheap at the moment.
I am 5'10" and 10stone(ish) if that helps at all.

I thought the scooter was meant to be a faster boat than the pocketrocket / space cadet, something about less rocker at the back?

What is the tail of the pocket rocket like? it looks fairly slicey and that is what i am trying to get away from by selling my slickstick (i quite often get caught out).

Thanks again


Pocket Rocket

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:50 pm
by David Good
I'm currently paddling a PR and love the boat. I would not call it the best river runner; it's just slow (but then again, I'm still not as good in a C1 as I was in a K1 before I came over to the light.)

The boat surfs and spins very well and blunts are just around the corner for me. At 150lbs it feels a little bouncy from point to point in flat water, but pretty smooth in a hole. (However, I don't feel that it cartwheels as good as my old ProZone. I still miss the long and slicy feel sometimes.)

Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

Take It Easy,

David Good

PR vs Scooter

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:22 am
by Marko

None of these is really good c-1. both are narrow and slow.

In my opinnion the PR is much better boat. It is slower than Scooter which is quite slow too. Scooter can carve but it looses a lot of spin due soft lines on the tail.

Look at Shawn going back to PR idea in his new boat.

What goes to RAD i think there is a potetial in it, but the tail can be a bit of the pain. It is faster and spins better than LL.

So if you get it cheap go to PR or RAD. If you have money there is only one way to go ___s_e_n_c_o_r_e_d___ !!!

My 2 cents...

Marko from drakkar

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:09 pm
by slickstick (at college)
I really need a boat that i am able to paddle as a K1 if i ever have to, i have pretty dodgy knees and i know i probably should never have got into C1 in the first place, but it is just way too much fun to not to have done it for at least a season. This problem added to the extra cost of the boat means that although i would love to have a Wheelboy, i really cannot get one. :(

Just how slow is the space cadet/pocket rocket series (compared to say a perception spin/fulltilt or a slickstick or a skip)?

What do people think of the kingpin?

Thanks again

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 7:14 am
by Kevin
yo, my kingping (which is for sale) 6.2. is a great all around boats, really quick for a spud boat, and one the the best wave/hole boats it's good at everything. It's more of a carving edge transition type of boat compared to the pcoket rocket which is more of a disc butt bouncer.

kingpin is a super soild boat. if your thinking LL, wait for the vision. It a combo of both the SC and PR, with the tucked rail edge, it's faster then the bigwheel, and bounces and carves better then both of them.