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Riot Glide as a C1 possible or plain stupid!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:56 am
by Scal
I have someone who's willing to trade his Riot Glide for my surfboard.

I was wondering has anyone ever converted a Glide into a C1? or is it a stupid idea. I have no experience in C1 I mostly OC-1. can anyone give me any pointers to what a good C1 should be.

I can't seemed to find any post on this subject. I'm interested into trying it out anyways since I have an extra pedestal sitting around.


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:03 am
by Joey
i had one!!!! sold it several years ago. it was the first boat i could ever consistantly link ends in. it makes a good c-1 if you can handle the edges. from what i remember coran designed the hull after a race boat. if you actually look at the hull you can kind of see it. anyway the boat is really fast and spins well on a big feature. you arent going to be throwing huge arial stuff in this boat but you should certainly be able to get down in a hole.

as far as river running goes its awsome. like i said, it has a race boat-esque hull so it likes to catch eddies and turn. just make sure you keep those edges out of the water or this boat will eat your offside alive. the primary stability is so-so, but it has a tone of secondary.

if the boat is in good shape i would certainly trade it for a surf board. i think you will like what you get. --- joey

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:05 am
by sbroam
Just make sure someone has a video camera on hand for your first run! :lol: I wish I had tape of my first time in a conversion - I put in about 100 yards above Nantahal Falls and rolled something like 6 times before I even got to the main drop! Just ask Kalin... :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:22 pm
by Scal
Thanks Joey for the info I'll trade for sure my surfboard for the Glide.

Sbroam I'll get a camera, film it, then post it up on this website so you can all join in the fun of laughing at a poor sucker trying to stay on a Bronco :P . Stay tune coming out this spring!!!!

As dumb as it might seem to cboaters like must everyone on this sight. My buddy who kayaks kept making fun of me running rivers we my Outrage saying that it was an Airplane carrier until I told him to get in my boat he didn't even get 10 yards and he flipped :oops: . Didn't make fun of me after that.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:59 pm
by kneeler
I've got a Slice I've been thinking about converting. Last time I paddled it, I was a butt-boater. The Slice has the same bottom as the Glide but has slightly less volume due to a change that was made to the deck.

That boat taught me a lot about edges. It is very unforgiving but it's a great boat. At first, it set me back until I learned to edge properly but the end result was a big improvement in technique.

I've held onto mine for so many years because I have a great deal of respect for the design because I learned so much from it. It forces you to have good technique. You either edge it properly or roll it constantly.

interesting trade

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:03 pm
by KNeal
I agree with everyone else about the Glide. It's a great boat for c-1, but it definitely has sharp edges/chines. I borrowed one and took it down the New River Gorge and had an absolute great time :P . It took some adjusting to controlling the boat, but I really had a great time in it. Joey, was that your boat?

The boat WILL trip you up in the beginning because you have not experienced a boat with the combination of sharp edges and low volume ends. Take the time to learn how to paddle it. You will be really glad you did--eventually. :wink: I went through the same learning when I started c-1 in a Prijon Hurricane. Now, THAT was a squirrelly boat!

You will notice that the cockpit is narrow. That may not bother you, but it would probably be good to hear from other Glide owners how that narrow cockpit affected them.


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:46 pm
by kneeler
Riot cockpits can sometime be narrow.

I have had great success modifying the cockpits with a heat gun. It takes only a few minutes. I just heat up the rim, throw a towel over my thighs, get in the boat and lift my thighs up against the cockpit rim.