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Best boat to convert????

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:52 pm
by -C1mini-
what boat is best to convert to c1 for freestyle i was thinking along the lines of a riot air or a jackson all star or something along those lines. anyone ideas??

p.s soory i havent logged in its easier not tooo

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:56 pm
by CosmikDebris
I have an allstar and like it a lot. It's kind of slow on a wave, but is awesome in a hole and is still a good wave boat. Blunts really easy, the stern has good rocker so it won't pearl and it's pretty fast backwards. Make sure if you get one that you outfit it with your seat way forwards. I think the cockpit is a little off and to far back in the boat.
The only other boat I paddled was a RAD 175 which was good but really small and twitchy. I think the allstar makes a better boat, at least for me at my weight (150lbs).
If you have any more specific questions I'll try to help you out. You can email me at

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:15 pm
by c1mini
what about riot air or orbit?? what do people think to a vision converted?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:47 am
by Kevin
I can't stand roit cock pits for c1 conversion and i don;t like there plastic, but that's just me.
LL has always made good conversion. Any good boat paddled as a kayak will make a good c1, it'll just get a bit tippyer and it'll be easy to throw around due to leverage.

I have a Vision 56 coming my way in a couple weeks, but it'll be a while before i get it out on the water.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:03 am
by Bruce Farrenkopf
I have paddled converted kayaks that make relatively poor C1's. That doesn't mean that they can't be paddled, it means that they can put you at a distinct disadvantage in Class 4-5 water (relative to a well-designed C1 or decent conversion). I've learned that the hard way :oops: .

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:21 pm
by Kevin
I agree, i was speaking in general terms.
Using a Liquid Logic Space Cadet as a kayak in class 4 or in a creek run wouldn't be too freindly either.
hence once it is converter to c1, it just got even slower to acclerate, and tippyier, and even harder to paddle in a creek run.

but as a kayak the space cadet bounces huge, and loops quite large as well. Good kayak charateristics for being designed for a double bladed paddler.
But those charateritics are still there as a c1, it still bounces huge, and loops quite large, and once again it just becomes a tad slower to acclerate (unless you have good tecnique) i can usually keep up to the yakers, and all off a sudden i have more levarge and a offside. but the boat charateristics still transfer over to c1.
so the general statment of what makes a good yak will make a good c1, as far as Conversion go. Speifically designed c1's are a different story.