First off, THANK YOU for your ideas! i consider a community effort-I'm simply the scribe and information colator
I'm happy to add new images-I just need folks to send them in! Right now it's still true C-Boats, but Kenneth and I are getting very close to FINALLY having a convertable-boats database up and running (we're still testing it is built!). Needless to say I'm sure we'll be able to add a lot more images this way
Guestee is also correct...CBoats costs a couple hundred a year just in hosting $, which I primarily fund (I say primarily because occasionally I receive random checks in the mail from folks on this board...not enough to cover the whole thing, but it helps and I really appreciate it!!). Videos would be a GREAT addition, but that takes bandwidth to stream them out, and more bandwidth is more $$.
I've been contemplating contacting a few, very specific boating folks (NRS for example) to gauge their interest in having an ad up (NOT a pop-up-that's what drove us here...), but I'm not sure what I'd charge, etc.... Any folks with experience in the on-line ad realm please contact me ( ) .
For the curious we're closing in on having 1000 "unique visitors" a day, 400,000 hits a month (we actually surpassed this in Jan, but backed off a bit in Feb (short month perhaps?). I'm sure some of those are bots, but have done what we can to keep the data true and bots out of most of the site (if they're behaving).
In case you're curious I probably spend 3-4 hours a week (on average-usually it's longer stints every few weeks) on updates. On top of that I'm on this board several times a day checking for inappropriate posts (SBroam's been a BIG help on this lately-thanks again Scott! (and Brettal used to help out too)). The "long term" projects (structural changes, etc...) simply get worked on when I get around to it, for better or worse. Like guestee said, it's been a labor of love up to this point.
There are actually quite a few new photo's up lately too, and I apologize for being remiss in posting an official update-Gary DeBacher has sent in some GREAT information and images on the Wide Ride, Magnet, Seewun, and Zealot (and more...but that's something special he's researching for us
There will also be images of Jim Snyder's CBoat paddles posted soon, and Nam's D-rings (I meant to do it this morning before being distracted by this post
Thank you again for the ideas...the "Boat image of the week" is easily implemented, but it takes time. Initially I may do a "Boat of the Week" and link to what's already available, but if folks start sending in "Unique" images, or linking to them from a post (I'll turn it into a "Sticky" for you for 1 week) we can go that route.