Too Much Volume for Me?

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Too Much Volume for Me?

Post by nsshue »

I recently outfitted a Dagger GTX (70Gallons, 8.1feet) as a C1
I am 5'4" and about 113 lbs.

I'm finding it hard to roll; is it just getting used to this boat,versus my XXX? OR does it have too much volume for me?

Does the volume really make it harder to roll?

Thanks for any info. I'm tempted to get a Dagger GT
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Post by Kevin »

GT would be a better fit at your size. I find that i fit myself into conversion as i would if i was using it as a kayak. If the GTX has a reccomened wieght range of 170-230 lbs, and im 115, then the boat may feel way to bulky and sit way out of the water. In a c1 you can usually get away with going with a little big bigger of a boat cause we have the extra leverage, but at your size, the GTX is just to big, i think you would find the GT better.

- Also Have you conisdered other types of river runners for conversion?
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Other conversions vs GTX or GT

Post by nsshue »

Yes, I look at all kayaks I see with an eye for possibe conversion. been doing that for a year now.

For some reason, when I saw the GT, I really felt that would be the boat for me....not a big hump, ends not slicy, but not huge like overflow or cascade, not "bulky" looking....

That's why I went ahead and considered the GTX when I found one for sale.

You have any suggestions? I'm getting tired of not quite having the right boat...I am going to see if I can overcome the difficulty in rolling, because absolutely everything else I like about the boat.

Maybe I'm putting too much stock in having a easier roll....I can roll it but it is hard in still water. My concern is will it be too much boat for me to roll in a rapid????

It is harder to roll than my open boat (ocoee), so I liken it to an open boat roll.

I don't know...I do love everything else about it....I can handle it GREAT on top of the water, it feels very leadened upside down, when trying to roll..

What should I do?
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Post by Kevin »

harder to roll then your open boat? eek.
im a big LL fan, i love there boats the way they perform, and some of the best customer service in the buisness.

They always make good conversions, maybe a Trigger or lil Joe would be a good choice?

There supposed to be super easy to roll, and i haven't met a person who didn;t love it, it has that classic LL feel, and you can still surf it and spin it, way better then a GT if the oppertunity presents itself.

the Trigger is made for people under 150 LBS
and the lil joe is 130lbs-180lbs
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Yep, open boats are easier

Post by nsshue »

But, then again, I've always been able to roll a canoe easier than a C1....wierd, huh?

I have actually considered a little joe but didn't want to buy a new one. I've spent a lot already on boats that didn't pan out.

1. XXX - fun to play and surf, but too scared to take on the Ocoee

2. Blaze 6.9 - sucks all the way around. But has the prettiest, snuggest outfitting of all of them. :lol:

3. Vortex - wanted it for racing, but stinks worse than the Blaze

4. Overflow - again, way too rolly

5. I did get a Gyramax for racing, which I's perfect for racing, but not for the Ocoee.

6. The GTX, which the only thing I don't like is the difficulty in rolling, it seems SO hard to get up, but I love everything else about it.

So, maybe I should just learn how to roll it??? Dang, it's hard, though.

I still have all my boats, but the Vortex did go to our boat graveyard out in back :(

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Get a Sith!

Post by the great gonzo »


I don't know if considering an other boat is an option, but try out the Shaggy Sith if you can (if you live in the South East, contact Bill Reap from Liquidmojo, if further North go to RiverRun on the Ottawa and get a Demo boat from Gwyn Ashcroft or Martin Du Toit, the 2 Shaggy Design guys themselves). It's fast, stable, very playful, surfs like a dream, as far as I am concerned it is, (for me at least), the best overall riverrunning/play boat for bigger water like the Ottawa or so. Oh, and it is really easy to roll! When paddling it it becomes really obvious that this boat has been designed from the beginning as a C1 and is not a converted kayak. No compromises there! You will find that it surfs and plays as well as the XXX, but is still an excellent boat to run rivers with.
Since it is composite it is super light (mine is 22 lbs!) and stiff, and it can be cut in volume to suit your weight and needs.


Everyone must believe in something. I believe I'll go canoeing - Henry David Thoreau
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Wow, thanks for the info

Post by nsshue »

I will MOST definitely see about trying it out. I have Bill's number and hope to meet him at the Chattooga last weekend in July.
(Have my fingers crossed)..

Until then, I'm going to roll the #*&#* out of my GTX :lol:
I would be REAL happy if I get the roll to come easier. I do like that boat and I already own it...

You'll see me more upsidedown than right side up this weekend!

Thanks again!
ps; I will post when I get to try the Shaggy Sith out
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Post by christineb »

Hey Nancy! Christine here--let me know if you ever want to unload that C-1...I want something to play around with and wet exit with for now(due to my back)--have you been up to the nanty lately? I'm trying to get Lu back up!
I made a homemade skirt for the bow of my Dagger Aftershock and it has cut my water pumping in half! I used a nylon poncho and some elastic--works great!
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Hey Christine

Post by nsshue »

:D Good to hear from you, as usual :D :D
Wish we could get to paddle more together.

If you could let us know when you'll be out on the rivers, we could join ya'll. We don't get to paddle too many GA rivers.

Anyway, We will be up at the Nanty August 20&21 (Ladies' weekend out)..would LOVE for you to join us! ! Some of us will be paddling that Friday too (8/19).

I will keep you in mind about the C1 (I only paid $300 for it and I've kept the kayak outfitting).....unfortunately, though, I would have to pull out my coveted C1 pod (they're hard to come by.
I could probably talk steve into putting a saddle in replacement of it, though :D

I would love for you to try it out. I know you would like it, if you are just going to be wet exiting anyway...and it's so stable I doubt you would have to do much of that :D
But, I'm hoping I can get the roll down easier...I will be taking it to the Nanty that weekend.

Hope to see ya!
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Post by dillonpro »

I have to agree with Kevin that the GTX is just too big for you. I weight 210lb and paddle a GTX and feel it is great boat, except for stern squirting in class 3+ and class 4 holes.
You need to demo a GT, I think you would like it a lot better.
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You're probably right :-(

Post by nsshue »

I am going to work with it this weekend..if things don't go better, I will start looking for a GT.

I found a 7.8 GT for sale, BUT am I getting into the same problem??
It's the biggest GT. I think there is a 7.1, 7.5 and the 7.8.

What do you think? Is the difference between a GTX (8.1, 76 gal) and a 7.8 GT (7'10" about 67 gal) big enough for me to consider?

Or will it be oversized for me and hard to roll, like the GTX?
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Post by dillonpro »

At your weight, you should be looking at the 7.5. It will make a difference.

Here are a few links for 7.5's for sale.

Hope that helps.
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Post by dillonpro »

At your weight, you should be looking at the 7.5. It will make a difference.

Here are a few links for 7.5's for sale.

Hope that helps.
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