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Other OC choices?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:35 am
by Jimjoe

I am also new to this cool forum and have a slight twist on the question asked below about choosing an OC. The answers below were very helpful, but at 5'10", 150 lbs, I would like to know if my size makes a difference to those answers. I currently own a Dagger Impulse that I have been paddling for 2 years and want to upgrade to something with more performance. I have spent some time in a C1 this summer and feel more comfortable (and somewhat claustrophobic!) in a smaller twitcher boat. I would like something that is versatile for most river running conditions vs a boat like a Spark that appears to be geared for slalom type applications or a Zoom that is probably too advanced. Any help would be appreciated.




Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:55 am
by TommyC1
Outrage, Rival (Kaz makes a nice glass Rival), Probe, Ovation, Detonator.
All good intermediate (ie forgiving) OC1s.
All are far more manuverable than the Impulse.
At your weight I'd guess you would keep it to 12' or less.
I'm partial to the Outrage for it's blend of speed and manuverability.
The Rival is a touch quicker but might not turn as well. The Ovation is a bit slower. The Probe comes in several flavors. I'm not sure where they fit in. The Detonator is slower but very manuverable/playful.

Good Hunting,

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:33 pm
by Martyn
Try as many boats as you can. I would be tempted to stay away from the Probe, I'm not sure its performance would be that much different than your Impulse.

Definitely take a look at the Zoom, I'd also check out the Bell boats like the Ocoee and the Prodigy - they are two very different boats but one might really suit your paddling style.

I'm a big fan of plastic boats, I mostly paddle a Prelude. It took a bit of getting used to but is pretty satisfying in terms of performance and durability.


Given the type of boat you have been paddling and those

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:25 pm
by ChrisKelly
that you are looking at and your size I would give serious consideration to a Bell Prodigy. I have one and loved it. But maybe I was a bit too big. It is very fast, rolls well, front surfd and attains well.. It is not the best hole player. Chris Kelly

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:56 pm
by msims
Hi Jim, FYI the Nitro is sold. At 150 lbs you would have been a little small for the Nitro IMO.

I do know someone that may have an Outrage X FS... it's a big boat, though, and frankly I can't see it being much different from the Impulse/Rival family of soft chines.

If you're looking for used boats you might have less options avail. The detonator would be one to keep an eye out for.

Good luck..

I paddled an impulse

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 1:39 pm
by markdc70
Got tired of it after a season and went to a Probe 12 II. I absolutely loved it after fighting that Impulse for a year. Much quicker and easier to turn than the dagger. I currently have a viper 12, but would reccomend the probe 12 II to anyone seeking a nice OC.


Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 3:15 pm
by NSOC1
The Mad River Outrage might be a good one, I'm not sure how if the new models are any different from the old ones, but the old ones, surf well, attain well, great speed, stable

Zoom is a good boat

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:39 pm
by Louie
but you got to stay on top of it. Teaure is a hellva boat if you ask me. Where do you live and paddle I got all kinds of open boats you can demo. 865 388 0915

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:54 pm
by Craig Smerda
An Ocoee is my most logical recomendation for a step up from an Impulse. First of all it is much shorter than an Impulse, it has edges |_|... (something to learn about), has good hull speed and can still be accquired used for a fair price. Personally I would not buy a new one (or late Dagger production) only because I can't stand Bell Canoes but because the Royalex of recent is no where near the durability of what it used to be... although it is lighter. Check out the Robson Hommes or Pyranha Prelude if you want a touch shorter than an Ocoee and a harder edge. Esquif has a damned good line up but I am not a fan at all of the \_/ "trip chines" on the earlier models.. hopefully the Zepyhr has a real edge. I'm a little biased on the Edge in case you didn't realize that. Not a big fan of the rolly-polly hulls like a Outrage (even though I still suggest it as a beginner boat)

Have Fun---OC1

Whatever you upgrade to at your size getting out of an Impulse and into something more sporty will be a good choice.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:53 am
by Jimjoe
Thank you all for your comments and recommendations. I did try a Detonator on the weekend and really liked it. It sure rolls nice compared to the shoulder dislocating Impulse! I think (I hope) I have it narrowed down to the Detonator, Ocoee or Outrage. The Zephyer sounds interesting but if it's like the zoom it sounds like it could be too advanced for me. Anyone in southern Ontario have an Ocoee or Outrage I could try out? In return I will let you try my Impulse! Pretty inviting eh! Or I could buy you lunch!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:24 am
by Jon
I wouldn't rule out a Zoom.

I went from a Starburst (outfitted our tandem for solo - HUGE!) to an Impulse (once - felt like a small tandem) to a Rival (nice boat - the wife is paddling it now) to a Phantom ( still on the learning curve, but now it's my forward stroke - a short boat punishes poor form). I paddled a new Zoom that Brian Shields had outfitted with wood gunnels and really liked it. Kind of like a Phantom with harder chines. I've heard it described as a Phantom on the ends and an Ocoee in the middle. For many of the Ontario ww runs (Hwy 7 in the spring, Madawaska, Gull, Ottawa) a short boat is just fine.

Some depends on your body weight - heavier paddlers (180+) tend to like the Ocoee. They sink a smaller boat too deep. With your weight (150 lbs?) you could definitely consider a Zoom.

As far as any boat being 'too advanced', it's just boat time. Palmers, the lower part of the Gull, a week at MKC and lots of flatwater practice. And have someone film you with a movie camera. What feels like a good stroke, looks terrible and it's back to the flatwater to practice.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:38 pm
by billcanoes
The Zephyr is amazingly stable from the 5 min or so I was in it and it rolled pretty easily- (its still supposed to be a month before production) I have tried not to talk about it too much, because I didn't have an extended demo river/running experience to knowledgeably or more accurately share information- From what I've heard from people who have tried the Zoom, I expect it to be quite a different milder beast. I haven't tried the zoom, but I think the Phantom and Prelude feel really edgy.

Test Drive

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:29 am
by Jimjoe
Any Southern Ontario paddlers with an Ocoee, Zoom, or Outrage intereted in going for a paddle and letting me try their boat? I am anxious to figure out what boat to choose as an upgrade. If I don't get it out of my system before the snow flies I don't know if I will make it through the winter! In return I have a C1 or Impulse you could gladly use. I realize the Impulse isn't a particularly tempting offer so you would also receive, free of charge, your choice of a free lunch, case of beer, bottle of wine or a piece of well used rope. This offer is good for a limited time only!

shorter boat

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:02 pm
by Helly
I started paddling in a Prodigy, and for what it is worth, I quickly went to a shorter boat (the Detonator). Being a more petite paddler, I find it easier to move. I think both are real forgiving boats as I could lean them both to the point of water coming over the gunnels without tipping over.

The Detonator is difinitely a playful boat! If you want to surf and spin, it is a lot of fun!

I recently acquired a Phantom also, which I am learning to paddle. It is definitely more of a 'slicey' boat, faster than the Detonator, and I feel pretty stable in it, just have to stay on top of it! It is dryer than the Detonator. (BTW, I would recommend putting an electric bilge pump in the Detonator).

I paddled an Outrage, and it seemed like a heavy boat to me, I had a hard time getting the J lean in it for some reason.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:16 pm
by Matt Johnson
I am at about the same height and weight and I paddle a spanish fly, I love it. I would suggest a spanish fly because it is really great for everything.