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Glass OC1

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:52 am
by colleen
I'll confess, I'm looking for advice, and what better place to go? :)

I started canoeing in a Viper 12 and currently paddle a Rival. I'm familiar with the Shaman and also have a Detonator. I'm comfortable in class III water and love to run rivers, work the river, and also play around. I want a slalom boat. Whoops, did that slip in there? Yes, I want a slalom boat.

I live in the DC metro area, and don't know of any slalom OC1's. I was able to demo a Zapper, an older boat made by Tussey Mountain Outfitters. It is in great shape, just old in construction and design. I had fun in it, but my other half claims it is slow and unresponsive, and thinks I should consider a new and different boat. I would love a new boat, but there aren't any around here (that I know of) that I can demo. And, if I get a glass slalom boat, I would still like to be able to just take it out on the river and boat. My real interest is in technique and skill development, so I don't need a racing layup, but I sure won't pooh pooh the lovely airiness of a glass boat. I *loved* the feel of glass. :)

So, given I don't know of any glass OC1 slalom boats here, given I missed the Penn Cup opportunity to check out other boats, given I probably won't be able to talk Kaz into a road trip to DC with demo boats, and given I respect your many opinions...

...any feedback on the Zapper?

I'd love to demo a Millbrook Kyote and an Ignitor. Both sound challenging, responsive and loads of fun. Would they be too much boat for me, given any of the info above? Anyone in the DC area have one I could try out? Hint, hint. I'd be *very* careful with it.

Other boats out there that might fit the bill? Do I want too much out of one boat? Slalom/river running?

Your assistance with my dilemma is most appreciated. :) Thanks!


Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:58 pm
by ncdavid
I'm not in the DC area, but I have a boat that you might like to demo. I'm in NC. The boat is a Millbrook Defiant. The boat and I will be at GAF this weekend. Give me a shout if you make a trip to NC/SC/GA.

Re: Glass OC1

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:29 pm
by sbroam
colleen wrote:I had fun in it, but my other half claims it is slow and unresponsive, and thinks I should consider a new and different boat.
I thought this was the most important sentence in your post.

The first part was the most significant. The second part the least relevant - who is this boat for anyway?! :lol: That last part is not irrelevant, one should always consider a new and different boat! You can't never have too many.

I say go for the Zapper. Then try a Kyote or Ignitor. Also, the Defiant rocks - it's fast and has "enough edge" (not as much as a Viper 12 but more than a Probe).


What is the Zapper weight and $?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:01 pm
by Roy
I think as long as it is light and cheap, any slalom boat is going to be better than waiting around for the perfect one to come along.

I have a slalom boat for sale, but it is southern CT.


Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:00 pm
by Heidi
This does not come under the heading of advice, rather it's my short list also based on shared interest in skill/technique development/refinement and the responsive feel of glass.

Of the Kaz OC's I've paddled, but not enough to have made up my mind, three come in first.
Rumba, Ignitor, (Esquif) Spark
any one of those boats would be a great boat to have in my book.

Valley Mill

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:40 pm
by chuck naill
Valley Mill Camp is near DC. Martin is a coach there. He might be a source for a boat. His email is, :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 1:26 pm
by Bob S
I'd recommend you try the RUMBA. I have two, one with a heavier lay-up for general river running (39 lbs fully rigged). The other I use just for racing (30 lbs rigged). Talk to John Kaz about it. And try one if you can. Come out to Colorado and I'll let you try mine.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:14 am
by Alan B
I would agree with everyones suggestions so far... especcially Bob S. I own a Defiant and have paddled the Ignitor, the Rumba and the Spark (for most all of my solo runs at the last 2 nationals). I really like my Defiant but tend to do most of my fun paddling in an Ocoee. When
I get another boat (and I will!) It will be a Rumba. I like the Spark alot and if I could get 2 more boats........ Well, I just think that the Rumba will be the way to go. The Spark demands an aggresive style all the time and I have not played in one much except for some surfing on the Alberton Gorge this summer. It did not surf exceptionally well but that is not what it is made for. Because the Rumba is a shorter, narrower and more rockered version of the Defiant, I think it would be the better of those two and probably the best of all four boats mentioned. You did list the Kyote and I have tried one but it wasn't for me. I did not give it much of a chance however. Good luck with your decision!