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Your Opinions about a Dagger Atom

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 1:32 am
by chuck naill
I might be purchasing a Dagger Atom. :D

If you have opinions and don't care to share them ( yet right) :o please drop me a line or two. Good and bad comments are helpful 8)


Chuck /Tennessee

I've got one you caqn test drive

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 1:35 pm
by Louie
It is not for all river application , even Andy Bridge who designed it wouldn't use it on the harder creeks, he would take his Cascade.

Compared to a Slasher

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:06 pm
by TommyC1
The Atom is a little bit slower and a little bit steadier than a Slasher.


Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:05 pm
by Martyn
The Atom isn't a bad boat but I don't think its a great boat either. As a river runner, its OK but if you want something to play with, you could probably pick up an EZ for about the same price and have a lot more fun.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:21 pm
by sbroam
If I could have only one C-1, the Atom might be it. However, in any particular category there are choices I prefer over the Atom.

I've always been hesitant to criticize the Atom, though, because it looked so appealing and for so long it was the only plastic boat going... Didn't want to seem ungrateful or anything :-?

All that said, if I found one cheap, I'd probably pick one up.

the other boat

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:18 pm
by chuck naill
Thanks for the replies. I knew the reviews would be mixed. I have a converted GTX as the other boat. THe GTX gets thrown around alot in bigger water. I could use some speed in this kind of water.

I would like to find a Cascade that is not cracked, but after this many years out from production, that is not going to happen unless there is a little ole paddler out there who only used it on Sunday afternoons....well you know the rest.

For me the boat offers some stability and speed advantages to what I have in the GTX.




Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:03 am
by Sir Adam
There have been a few cascades that I've seen pop up in the NE this year in fine shape. I *think* I know of one that's still around too, but the fellow hasn't been in it, or around here for a long time. it's a heavey beast though ("double" layup hull, with 50% more plastic in it from the factory...). Built specifically for safety boating the Black in upstate NY...annoying chert, etc....


Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:19 pm
by PAC
Keep the faith there are Cascades out there that are in good condition. I just picked one up (was orginally mine over 10 years ago - swapped for skis).
I also remeber think there is another one floating about these parts (sorry for the bad pun) that is in good condition. If your interested I can let you know if it surfaces (pun-tagous!). Just let me know.
Paul C.


Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:51 am
by chuck naill
Dear PAC,

Yes, let me know about any Cascades. I got an email today from a person wishing to sell one. :D
I know the the first ones, cross link, had a problem with splitting around cock pit rim. :oops:

Chuck 8)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:21 am
by CosmikDebris
Mine is split on the cockpit rim, and seems to develop a new crack about every time I paddle it these days....I'd say her days are limited :(

cracked cockpit

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 12:37 pm
by chuck naill

Those first Cascades were made out of crosslink. Dagger actually gave new boats minus the pedistal when boats were under warrentee. :o

I thought that I had found one in your home state. Joe and I went to check out this Cascade and I was really excited. This boat was cracked like yours and the owner was totally unaware. :cry:


Dagger Cascade C1

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:36 pm
by Mike W.
A Cascade was posted on the Coastals board this morning. I do not know the seller or anything about the boat. Just thought I'd pass it along.

Cascade C1 in good condition, includes used skirt. $350

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:53 pm
by Bruce Farrenkopf
Hello Chuck,

The Atom is a well designed C1 that will perform better than 90% of the conversions out there when paddled on Class 3/4 rivers. It is a river runner and a good surfer. It ferries well, catches eddies like a dream, is stable and well set up inside to allow optimal control of your C1 :D . I sold mine, tried some conversions and now am sorry :cry: . If you can get your hands on one, you will be paddling one of the best plastic C1's ever launched.



Thanks Bruce

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:29 pm
by chuck naill
I am traveling tomorrow to most likely get an Atom. I really think like Bruce that it is a very good boat for paddling most of the stuff I like. 8)

I can use the GTX for creeks and the two slalom boats for whatever. :wink:

As an aside, the old Noah Kevlar boat is lots of fun and it gets some nice comments from the older slalom guys. Like most of the slalom boats of that era, it is not easy to turn. One boater commented that I was paddling an antique. He was also surprised that it was only 11 feet long. It is still the mystery boat that has no name, but the trade marks on both ends say it is a Noah. :roll:

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:59 pm
by cnoble

Since you are in the Knoxville area I am assuming you float, or haul butt, down steep creeks. It would be a good idea to consider the boat volumes between what you are used to and what you will be getting into.
