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Spring North Branch of the Potomac Armada 2006 Poll

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:06 pm
by adamin
When can you make it...let's shoot for a record number this year!

(Mother's day is May 14th)

NOTE: In deference to the Single Blade Symposium I have removed that weekend as an option. I realize this event WILL conflict with SOME other boating event out there no matter what weekend we hold it on, but there are few enough C1 / OC1 events that I feel we should not schedule what are likely the two biggest annual get-together's on the same weekend.

If anyone feels strongly that we SHOULD hold it that weekend regardless please let me know and I will certainly consider re-adding the option.

Hope to C you there!

What I can bring..

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:19 pm
by Sir Adam
I can not make it the 6-7th (Derby Weekend on the Hudson!)

Otherwise, looks good regardless.

I am planning on bringing a few boats, including (hopefully) a Maven or two :o . I'm happy to bring down other boats for folks to see / try as long as you do so (last year was perfect...all boats came off the car to be examined and or paddled 8) .

Boats I can bring down (not that they'll all fit on my car...anyone have a canoe trailer :wink: ):
Ace III (Wildwater boat)
Acrobat (master cut)
Acrobat (standard cut)
Batmax (cut down)
Fanatic II
Gemini V (C2)
Gyra Max
Noah Aeroquatic
Tomahawk (C2)

If anyone has any of the follow boats for sale (or donation to the museum! ) please let me know:
Noah Atlantis (I-IV)
Wide Ride

As points of curiousity / history I'm also looking for (but only if they're cheap / free!):
Roocke-Schmit (double bow or "normal")

Hi Adam

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 3:02 pm
by billcanoes
I'll bring the Sith, assuming I can go. There are only two in the US. My fleet is rapidly depleting.

I have a full cut Viper
full cut acrobat
sith (demo)
micro conversion

open boats
Zephyr (coming soon next week)


May 20-21 is Single Blade Symposium in Palmer Rapids!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:37 pm
by the great gonzo
Well, don't schedule the Spring Armada for the May 20-21 weekend, as this is the Single Blade Symposium weekend in Palmer Rapids Ontario, and most Canadian OC and C boater, at least from Ontario and Western Quebec go there.
If it's on any one of the other suggested weekends, I will be there!

I could take the following boats with me (not all of them together, of course:

Sith (1 cm cut)
Noah America C2

martin a.k.a. The Great Gonzo!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:05 pm
by John Coraor
My son and I have yet to attend an Armada and may not be able to make it again this year as there are slalom races on all four of the prospective weekends. Most likely is May 6-7, which, of course, competes with the Derby as well as one of the NESS races in Maine.

Hope everyone has a great time, regardless!

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:49 pm
by TomAnon
Put me down for June 3,4 along with two Sons! Though as I am local I can make any time. I really look forward to meeting some of you all!!

Spring Armada

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:49 pm
by squeakyknee
Put me down for June 3-4th as well.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:56 am
by sbroam
If I can make it, it will be to the latest date...


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:04 am
by Bernie
May 6-7 I believe to be the Cheat fest weekend. I will try to make any other weekend just to meet other c-boaters. My arsenal is small compared to other posts but I have the ability to make it possible to try more current k-1 to c-1 conversion designs. Let me know what I can do to help.

Good for a newbie?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:24 am
by debzvt
I am interested in attending, but I am curious as to the level of paddling required. 2005 was my first season paddling whitewater, and I have been comfortable on the class II's that I have tried in Vermont. What can I expect? Will there be stuff there that I can paddle safely/comfortably, as well as others there who are interested in paddling at that level?

I'm also interested in hearing more about the event in general. It sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to meet other Cboat'ers.

-- Deb


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:30 am
by Sir Adam
In general we all talk incessantly about CBoats, and do a little paddling.... The North Branch I would classify as Class II with one rapid most consider class III, but it's near the end so you have a good chance to "warm up". Most of us go for the comraderie and comparrison of boats and technique versus for the whitewater. Though if the Savage is running and I have the right boat....

Lately Saturday has been the full day of paddling, Sunday morning a 1/2 run and a lot of boat swapping. But, it has varied greatly from year to year.

This year I hope we actually use the lake a bit, as I suspect most folks will be most comfortable trying out a certain boat in FLAT water first. Though I suppose I could be convinced to let MikeW take the Maven down the first half (to the "sidewalk"). That is assuming he doesn't have his own by then :lol: .

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:55 am
by Mike W.
Build it beefy & I'll paddle it :D Just remember the NBP is NOT a deep river & I'm a fat guy who has learned that instead of flipping squirt boats it's more fun to stuff an end under & hang out vertically for a while :P This technique, while more fun than a barrel of monkeys, has earned me some hours of sanding & laying up glass :oops:

I was really hoping to do the squirt thing on Friday, NBP on Saturday & head over the Rappahannock for the race on Sunday :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:19 pm
by TomAnon
Hi Deb,

The weather will probably be pretty warm in early June. The water; however, will be very chilly. North Branch Potomac is a run suitable to Advanced Beginners. As always let your judgement be your guide. A role is not mandatory though it would sure help as the current is mild to strong the whole way. One rapid which in AW they call "Birds Nest", Class III, should be scouted dependent on the paddler. It can be easily bypassed if you are concerned. The rest is pretty constant Class II-II+. "Top of the World" also listed in AW is just a big wave train at the bottom of a real straight forward drop, real fun and bouncy! Not sure why it is even mentioned except at higher levels it gets a lot more interresting. The usual WW release is 1000 cfs. This makes for many very friendly wave holes and playspots! You should come! Most people camp at the Big Run Campground in the Savage River State Forest.

Sometimes, there is a release from the Savage as well to dilute the more acidic water coming out of Jennings-Randolph Lake on the North Branch. Not something to count on. Usually there is a minimal flow to support trout fishing. Hint: I will be bringing a plastic boat as often this release is just enough to scrape your way down.

I have run the North Branch many times; however, never with a bunch of C-Boaters....... Hopefully one of the OCers will bring a cooler?

Hope this helps,


Thanks! I'm excited now

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:30 am
by debzvt
Thanks for the input - I have a better idea now as to what to expect. Towards the end of the season last year, I was starting to feel comfortable enough to try class III, but by then it was mid-November dry suit weather in Vermont and I decided "next year ...". When the currents are faster I have a harder time with catching eddies and getting across the river quickly (uh, oh ... gonna hit the rock sideways ... really gonna hit the rock sideways ... phew, made it). Typical beginner issues with learning timing that have been getting better with experience. I'm really excited about the Armada now, and have cast my vote for June 3-4.

-- Deb


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:26 am
by Alden
Good to see Vermont canoeists, Deb. You apparently live in the same town as one of the best ones - Tony Shaw himself. I am not sure if you know him. Then there is also Tony's partner in crime, Eric Bishop, another great open boater from that area. Not to mention Pat Cleary (who checks this website) from St. Albans, and Ray Ingram from Colchester. Pretty good pocket of Vermont open boaters, in fact.