I agree with .
kmcinturff... it's closer to a chopped Viper, not near as fast, but it does enders great....
On bigger water, it's wet, but easier to control loaded with water than an ocoee (my current boat, which in my opinion, you can not beat, even though I do miss doing enders
Also, Rodeo's pretty manueverable..but dang slow...BUT, with me in the ocoee, the ocoee for my size is even slower...gotta paddle the ocoee harder to get up the same speed as the Rodeo.
Big consideration is weight (I weigh 110#)...Steve had one (185#) and it tore up in a year for him ...of course he's boofing off everything possible....As for me, it was still in good shape after a year (sold it and got an ocoee)...You're 165#; if you don't boof everything in sight you should do ok with the durability....though it's NOT a boat you can put thru a gauntlet and have it last.
The Rodeo is pretty quick with the flipping... you need to be loose in the hips, and keep your top half balanced and upright-- - if you're stiff, you will flip...
and it happens FAST....If you're flexible and can let your hips go with the boat, and your top half stays upright, you'll be fine. This boat can not handle the bell-buoy effect
Since you are a "technical" type paddler..you would enjoy. But you would enjoy an Ocoee even more, for the finesse type paddling, since it responds so well...
Easy to roll, not as durable as others, but the R84 (or whatever it's called) keeps it light, which aids in it's performance.
I agree with the other posts ---what are you wanting to paddle the most?
Something like the Ocoee River? I would go for an Outrage (very dry, pretty manneverable and fast)..or an Ocoee (I LOVE the ocoee)...it's the most manuerable boat I have ever been in. It's slow though, and not as dry as the Outrage...harder to control with water in it. But the manuerability definitely outweighs the cons, in my opinion.
Others with just as good of reasons, love the Outrage...either boat I think you would be happy with. The Outrage is pretty soft chined...I would miss the surfing capabilities the Ocoee offers...Ocoee hard chined - I have forgotten how to use a paddle to eddy out...you don't even need the paddle in the water to eddy out with an Ocoee
Hmmm, knowing you are a "technical, finesse" type paddler, I really do believe you would like the Ocoee over the Outrage.
SO, do you mainly want to playboat? Then it's the Rodeo, hands down.......
Do you want to do bigger water more and playboat occasionally?
I would suggest the Ocoee over the Outrage. Ocoee's very manuerable, hard chined, surfs great, does 360's, CAN NOT ender well......The outrage doesn't surf as well, w/o hard chines...it doesn't "snap" into an eddy like the ocoee does...I LOVE doing that....
Do you want to do just bigger water, and playboating is only a small portion of what you want to do? I would get an Outrage, and an old Rodeo to take when you want to playboat.
Hope this helps.