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Women's C-1 Slalom in the Olympics!

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:00 pm
by Alden
I just got an email update from Mike Sloan at from USACK, and here was part of the message - incredible!


The C1 Women’s class has finally been recognized as an International Class by the ICF, and appears likely to be added to the Olympic Games by 2012 or 2016.

The International Olympic Committee has directed the International Canoe Federation to achieve gender equity at the Olympic Games. The number of women participating at the Olympics is expected to increase and the number of medals awarded to women in the canoe/kayak disciplines is likely to increase as well. We expect to see the C1 Women’s class in the World Championships, possibly as soon as 2009, and potentially the Olympic Games as soon as 2012.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:31 pm
by kaz
Now you have a reason to get that sex change operation you always wanted. :lol:
Sorry if that was out of line, I couldn't resist.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:46 pm
by John Coraor

Are they also going to include C-2W? If they are looking for full gender equity, they should.

Also, as my response to your similar post on NPMB noted, I hope that they're also considering bringing back C-2M. I never did buy the excuse that, because Olympic rules prohibit men and women competing against each other, you couldn't have C-2M in the Olympics. After all, look at pairs figure skating and pairs ice dancing; how would C-2M be any different?!? It was an excuse on the part of Europeans to dump another class that cost them twice as much in training support (2 atheletes per boat), with the added incentive of a little gender bias mixed with the fact that the Americans had just swept all three C-2M medals at the 1981 worlds (the last major event at which C-2M was contested internationally).



Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:12 am
by jpmcewan

The politics are such that I don't think you'll ever see C-2M again. A pity. In fact, there are rumors that C-2 itself might be dropped.

Still, I am psyched that C-1W is going to be included. I just hope that C-2W is also added, so that C-2's position will be secured.


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:10 pm
by Craig Smerda
This is awesome!!! If my wife and I have a little girl we won't have to worry about her being a competitive kayaker... she can be a gender equal C-boater in a competitive class!!!

*\o/* HOORAY *\o/*