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Two Thumbs up for my new H3 255

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:59 pm
by dillonpro
I have been converting quite a few boats over the last several years in search for that "perfect" boat for class 3 to 4 rivers. I think I'm finally there. I've had an Atom, Cascade, Inazone 240, Dagger GTX, LL Gus and now the H3 255. My maiden runs were three trips down the Big South Fork of the Cumberland in March. Two weeks ago paddled the Crooked Fork and Daddy's Creek (twice) on the Cumberland Plateau in TN. Ended my trip getting to paddle the middle section of the Tellico(looking forward to doing the upper section). During all of this I had two flips and no swims. The boat is super stable, ferrys well and can easily carve into eddies. I did a 5 foot boof and the boat never submerged. I highly recommend this boat over anything I have ever paddled. Seems great for big water, down river and mild to moderate creeking. I hope to do the Upper Green, Upper Tellico and Section 4 Chatooga in the comming year, and give another report. I'm 6'3", 215# and smilin ear to ear.
Larry Dillon :D

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:01 am
by mshelton
Do you have any problems with the cockpit being a little low at your height?

H3 255

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:00 pm
by dillonpro
I'm using a Dagger pedestal with a seat height of 6". I have large thighs and they comfortly touch the cockpit rim. I would probably have problems with a higher seat but as it is now it's a perfect fit.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:58 pm
by yarnellboat
As mentioned in another thread, it's quite easy to blow out the rim a bit. Take a car jack, some boards, some foam and a heat gun and raise the rim several inches if you need, MUCH more comfortable now.


Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:37 pm
by mshelton
Yeah, I jacked up the rim of my H:3.

It was leaving nice black bruises on the outside of my thighs, just wondering if other folks had issues with it.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:39 pm
by Larry Horne
i did trim a little bit of plastic off of my cockpit rim. didn't see any need to reshape anything other than that.
it's good to hear somebody else is digging this boat, i absolutely love mine. it makes class 5 doable. it was strange and upsetting to here some people were not so thrilled. maybe they are coming straight from open boats instead of coming from years of paddling shitty conversions..

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:58 pm
by Tiggy
I might have a line on the H3 255. It looks like an awesome Hull.
Good to hear ya love it b4 I blow 400-$500.
