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Savage will run this weekend!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 7:23 pm
by Mike W.
Sure wish they'd push this out one week :cry:

From AW ... splay/full

Rare Savage River Release This Sunday (MD)
posted May 23, 2006by Kevin Colburn
The Army Corps of Engineers announced that they will be providing an 800 cfs release on Maryland's Savage River on Sunday, May 28th, from 9am to 3pm. The release is the result of maintenance activities but is scheduled to support recreational boating. Please check the following link prior to attending the release, to assure it has not been modified or cancelled.

The Savage River, once a major whitewater boating destination, has recieved little use in recent years due to dam regulated flow manipulations. Efforts are ongoing to explore opportunities to restore at least some paddling opportunities to the Savage River. For now, enjoy this rare opportunity!

For more information on the Savage: Note that the website content at the preceeding link regarding efforts to restore boating releases is outdated at this point

I'm there!

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:35 am
by MotorCityOC-1
Anybody else planning a Yough, Cheat, Savage weekend?

Cheat, Savage, etc.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:25 pm
by Big Al
Are you coming down? If yes, I'll meet up with you. PAC is becoming more a family man and appears to be limiting his availability to weekday evenings..not typically convenient for me.

I can paddle any two days this weekend and can meet wherever. Have never done the Savage..that'd be great.

Let me know!

cell; 412-401-5003

Savage Sun

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 2:11 pm
by MotorCityOC-1

It'd be great to paddle with you this weekend. If I had my druthers, I'd do the Cheat on Sat and the Savage on Sun- unless Stoneycreek came up to a 1/2way decent level for Sat, in which case I'd postpone the Cheat 'til Mon.

I could be talked into the Upper Yough on a raft. I haven't been boating enough to step up and run it in my open boat. If I had the cohones for that sort of nonsense, I'd be heading down to the Cheoah.

Whatever happens, I'm gunna try really hard to paddle the Savage on Sun, and I'll keep you posted. Like the Bhudda said, "It ain't all up to me." PM me yer cell# in case.

If I can swing it, I'll be at the Savage takeout (which I'm guessing is the same as the takeout for the N Branch?) around 8:30 Sun


Family man....

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 7:32 pm
by PAC miss 2 Sunday paddles in a row and your branded a "family man"! Tough crowd here!
Anyway Al you are correct I'll be MIA this Sat / Sun due to a long walk in the woods with the "family"! That said call me Monday since I should be free to play by then! If your doing the Savage its a shorty (but goodie) so you might want to double up on the run.
Oh and you are correct Kevin on the take out location! Suggest you meet at the red Brick building just past the bridge.
Enjoy and hope to CU Monday!

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:17 pm
by Kelly-Rand
I will be looking hard at doing the top down to the dam (starting gate of the 89 worlds). Will have shredder for the rest. Who else will be thare?

Cheat Sat, Savage Sun, ??? Mon

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:31 pm
by MotorCityOC-1
Al and other Savage afficianados,

Looks like we'll be running the Savage on Sun. Hope to see y'all there. Please join us on the mighty Cheat on Sat. Probably do a 4 o'clock Glen Miller...

cell # (313) 515-0331

call tonight if you're up for the Cheat- I'm not sure if I have service in Albright.



Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 5:37 pm
by Big Al
Dude....I was waiting for a call on Saturday, not Sunday morning at 7am, and I didn't check this web site. I would of been there!

Make me feel better and say you experienced a couple of long swims? :P

no solace

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 8:28 pm
by MotorCityOC-1
As for making you feel better, the worst thing that happened to me was that after Sat on the Cheat and one clean run of the Savage, my bilge pump battery ran out of juice.

I'm sorry, but the Savage at 800cfs was ridiculously fun. Every boater I looked at had the same dopey grin on their face...

I'm sorry you missed it. Here's hoping it's not 16 years 'til the next one!


Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:09 am
by MarcB
Anybody run into memorial rock? It took out my C-2 and my paddling partner's cheekbone in the 70's.