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New Bubble Street comic is online

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:41 pm
by pmp
Hey paddlers! A new web comic is up.
Check it out at
I've been drawing it for over six months now and am having a blast. It's about paddlers for paddlers.
If you have a moment, comments are always welcome.
ps. I apologize in advance for any occasion that there happend to be a kayak shown in the comic :-)

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:57 pm
by kenneth
Hrm... apparently the link on Esquif brings up an invalid url. Doh! Might want to see about getting that fixed before Esquif falls behind in the polls! :) Good luck with the comic!


Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:01 pm
by pmp
yeah I'm on their case. Seems zephyr is a huge hit and their kinda busy.
thanks for the reminder

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:18 pm
by Al Greve
Now if they were funny I may read them..... Tee Hee !!!!!

Seeee Ya on the river ! :wink:

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:56 pm
by kenneth
Adam recently loaned me one of your books, Paul, "Thrill of the Paddle" and I was engrossed from front to back - I started reading it yesterday. Conveniently, or coincidentally?, I came across the definition for a "bubble street" and had to do a double-take! I thought it was just an apt name for your comic and didn't realize it was an actual term! :)

Oh, and btw, I showed my wife the photo section of the book and she wants me to tell you "Holy large steaming pile of dog doo-mamas!" which is her way of say "Wow, you guys are crazy!" hehe