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Now What-One season of Paddling and Rolalex Delaminating

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:18 am
by AJ
I got home this evening from paddling the Taylor River over the weekend and looked over my boat to find that the outside vinyl sheet of the Royalex has bubbled from the foam core on the bottem next to the chine.

The inside vinyl seems fine and it is still stiff, but there is a bubble between the outside and foam core. There are no cuts through the outside vinyl. It must be delaminating on it's own for some reason?

I bought this boat new in October of 2004. I used it in a pool that winter to learn how to paddle it and hoping it would fully harden before the spring/summer paddling season. It went into full action in early June of 2005. So this boat has had one season of use and starting the second.

I know these newer boats are more easily dented and scratched, but layer delamination this early, I feel is not acceptable. Please give me your thoughts regarding the manufacturer standing behind a solution to this problem and how to fix this problem.



Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:26 am
by NateOC
What kind of boat is it? Manufacturer? Model?

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:12 pm
by Roger
Contact your dealer from whom you bought the boat and explain your problem. The fact that the boat is almost two years old will probably result in the warranty being expired.

If they can't help you (or won't), contact the manufacturer before trying any repair.

Would be curious to find out how this ends.

Just went through that with mine (Probe 12 II) except that it was in the center of the hull and the boat is four years old.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:34 pm
by AJ
I purposely held back the boat and manufacturer to discuss the problem with them first. I am hoping that they will work with me on a solution and that I can report back that the company stood behind the problem. So I will be contacting them this morning.

In Colorado, I only paddle mid May through August typically. We may take a few trips outside these months, but not many. So this boat has only really been paddled 6 months max.

Delamination after one season seems excessive.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:50 pm
by ChrisKelly
I am not sure what kind of boat abuse might cause that. Even if you are knocking the snot out of the boat why does that contribute to delamination? I ask that retorical question to excludethe possibility that owner abouse might be a factor here. If boat abuse is not the problem then it seems more like a mfg/dealer issue.

As previously suggested, I'd talk to them and give them a chance to make it good or to see what their take on the problem is. But, unless the mfg has a good argument as to how you caused it I think you are in the right to ask for some kind of recompense. Chris Kelly

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:51 pm
by AJ
In follow up to my original post, I am glad to say that Bell Canoe has stepped up in addressing my delamination issue with my Ocoee. I feel it is important to share this positive manufacturer/reseller experience with other paddlers.

We have worked out an equitable solution that we both feel is fair. I will be keeping my old boat, which Bell and I have fixed and they have provided me with a new beefier royalex hull at a very reasonable price that I will be outfitting from the ground up including gunwales.

I would like to thank my Bell Canoe reseller, Eric Nyre, at Canoe Colorado. Eric has went out of his way to help me resolve my boat's issues with Bell. He has represented me fairly, transported my boat from Boulder to Minnesota, and transported my boat twice from Boulder to the Outdoor Retailer show in Salt Lake City to let Bell see and fix the problems.

I will continue to purchase canoes and accessories from Eric at Canoe Colorado and I encourge others in the Colorado/Western States to consider Canoe Colorado for their canoes and accessories.

If a Bell Canoe meets your application requirements, please consider this experience in your decision process.


CO paddler

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:56 am
by Remoteproductions
AJ, don't think we've met before. I'm an oc'er in Georgetown. I'm in AK right now, back on Sept. 15th. If there's any water anywhere let's paddle. I haven't been in my boat all season due to a back issue, but ready for some fun. m BOB (970)209-9260

Thanks for posting the result.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:44 pm
by ChrisKelly
And it sounds like yu had a good one.

Lots of us read this Forum for exactly the kind of knowledge that your post provided. It is good to hear that Bell made it right.

I used to have a Prodigy and also had good response from them on various questions. Chris Kelly

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:25 am
by squeakyknee
Royalex SUCKS!

Beefier royalex?

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:53 pm
by ohioboater
AJ wrote:they have provided me with a new beefier royalex hull at a very reasonable price that I will be outfitting from the ground up including gunwales
So, is it possible to order a boat brand new with this 'beefier royalex' layup? If so, I'd say that confirms my suspicion that the crappy durability of new Royalex boats these days is due to the manufacturers ordering thinner layups from the plant, not a general decline in supply quality.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:28 pm
by AJ
I was told that Bell has decided to use their Prodigy Royalex layup, which is a heavy layup then the original Dagger spec.

I guess I will see next year, when I paddle the new boat, if this is true. I am hoping that the boat also has plenty of cure time this winter.