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Whats the Zoom like?

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:33 pm
by Col
Whats the Esquif Zoom like? I have had a Prelude previous, the opportunuty to buy the Zoom has now come up, does it handle like a Prelude or different i got on OK with the Prelude but not !00%, I have heard it being a little unstable which is not a problem as i paddle racing C1 most of the time (Bala, Mezzana) and didnt find the Prelude unstable

Peoples views greatly apppreciated on the Zoom. :D


Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:57 pm
by yarnellboat
Given you're other boats, sounds like it's would worth a try. I haven't paddled a Prelude, but it probably gives a better idea of the Zoom than any other OC-1?

What was about the Prelude that didn't work for you 100%?

How big & heavy are you?

As a 215lbs weekend warrior, I thought the Zoom was too twitchy for me (but not as bad as I expected). I wouldn't hesitate to paddle an Ocoee or Viper or other edgy boats. But I just don't paddle that often to take full advantage of the Zoom, and I'm just not that focussed all the time.

I'm still looking to make class III easier in my OC-1, not harder.


This guy who posted above ain't lyin

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 2:21 am
by Louie
you have to be focused and on your game 100% for those dam Zoom if you ain't diggin you're dyin. I've had two and if it was an on day it was great other wise look out. I think after you get use to a prelude ( Only been in one twice ) even on an off day it has a little forgive in it but the Zoom demands constant attention, doesn't allow many braces when you should be diggin to go unpunished. And the boat won't allow back paddlin at all. It is a hellva boater for a hellva paddler, so I live it to Andrew and Eli to use them I've had two and will just stick to my Taureau.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:45 am
by squeakyknee
Don't like it so much..
Too blunt to stand on end easily,and air locks when you roll it. Heavy and cumbersome.Just my opinion,I've seen people throwdown in these.And they seem to creek well.
A good design that needs something more...(Like being produced in Twin-Tex?)
Hows about putting dimples like that on the Zephyr ????

"They do spin nice though" ... =0&.src=ph
"This is the grudge execution of rolling this boat after having swam out of it moments earlier"
:D Thanks to whom ever let me play in your Zoom at the Armada.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:17 am
by Jon
Kind of like a Phantom with edges. They have played with the dimensions over the years. The first one I paddled was very narrow and tippy - didn't like it. The last was wider and asymetrical with a low saddle. Would be a fine replacement for my Phantom. Low primary, higher secondary stability. Will probably seem fast and stable after the Prelude.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 12:39 pm
by Martyn
When I was paddling a Phantom and got in a Zoom, I really didn't find anything about the boat got me too excited. After paddling a Prelude for a few years, the Zoom certainly feels fast and light. I wouldn't say its twitchy (I'm about 180). I guess it comes down to what you like and I like Plastic that I can scrape over rocks. If you are going to paddle somewhere without rocks (or are good enough to avoid them), I'd look at a lighter, higher performance boat.


Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 4:23 pm
by jnorto01
I've been paddling a Zoom since last October. It is a great boat for aggressive paddlers. It is very twichy and if you let your guard down you can be upside down in a blink. On the other hand it is predictable and gives very good, but fast feedback to the paddler. It carves really well and snaps into eddies. It has surprizingly good hull speed when on a wave for a short boat and accelerates really well. You have to keep paddling though cause it slows down as fast as it goes - not much glide. If you don't tuck quickly when going over it is easy to get stuck on the offside and not be able to set up to roll. Shawn can attest to this cause it was my boat he swam out of at the armada. ( You are welcome to give it another go next time we meet if ya like). I will be buying another one when mine wears out. Jim

Re: Zoom

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:37 am
by squeakyknee
jnorto01 wrote: Shawn can attest to this cause it was my boat he swam out of at the armada. ( You are welcome to give it another go next time we meet if ya like). I will be buying another one when mine wears out. Jim
My Zephyr has "stuck"me a few times as well,but no swims resulted. I'd love to give it another whirl,thanks Jim :D .
And I too will be buying another Zephyr when it is shot.
