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shoulder dislocation and possible surgery questions

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 2:00 am
by kballard
Dislocated my shoulder this past weekend (4th time in 3 years) and I'm looking at the possibility of surgery to repair and tighten it. Having an MRI next week to see how extensive the damage is, but the orthopedic surgeon I am seeing says that at this point the only way to reduce the chances of future dislocations is surgery. I'm looking for information from fellow C-boaters about their experiences with dislocation and/or shoulder surgery. My situation is as follows. I paddle a converted H2 245 and am a lefty. The left shoulder is the one that has dislocated and it has happened when I have held onto an extended low brace in turbulent water. I have realized too late each time that I should just flip and then roll up. Worry about the shoulder has caused me to paddle tentatively and to stay too close to the boat when rolling. Needless to say, both of these practices have made the problem worse, not better. Any suggestions about rolling technique that may protect the shoulder would be appreciated, along with your experiences with dislocations and surgery.



Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 2:52 am
by Larry Horne
i can't help much but i can for sure relate. i go in for surgery in 2 weeks for a torn labrum. i didn't dislocated my shoulder, it got tore up by getting yanked the wrong way..

i bet jan will have something to say about his shoulder..

the word i get is to expect about six months rehab :cry:

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:02 pm
by KNeal
First things first, get through the rehab. I'm guessing your shoulder was already weak and unstable by the time you experienced your first dislocation (unless it was caused by something traumatic). Low brace is a fairly stable position for the shoulder, though we can still do something unsafe to it like you said about hanging onto it too long instead of going for the roll. After rehab, keep working on your shoulder flexibility and strength (especially the stabilizers for the whole shoulder/scapula complex). Can you go to a sports medicine physical therapist? That would be best.

No shoulder surgeries at this time for me. I do have loose shoulder joints, so I get quite a few slips (subluxations). May be a matter of time for me to join your club. :(

Good luck on the whole process.


Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:41 pm
by John Coraor
In my experience, dislocations or more minor subluxations are more typical for high braces than low braces.

I can't offer any advice on surgery, but there have been several threads on this topic on the Northeast Paddlers Message Board (NPMB). Posts were largely from butt boaters, but you might want to check it out (see You could search the site for posts on shoulder dislocations, make a new post asking for advice, or both.


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:00 am
I had my shoulder operated for a torn labrum in 2001. Unlike what most people say, the shoulder dislocation from the low brace is common. Mine occured that way in a flood situation in Italy. If the blade goes behind you on the low brace, the shoulder pushes forward and out. To avoid this, lean forward on your low brace, and always try to roll with your blade inline and in front of your body. Also,

- surgery is the way to go. Better tighter shoulder, way better than my none operated one.
- if your shoulder has gone out more than once, it will go again. Not if, when.
-6 month rehab is unrealistic in my opinion. I was training full time in 6months sure, but the shoulder is still expanding its range so no creaking or anything like that

hope that helps