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lap belt placement.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:54 pm
by msims
What's the best position to attach the lapbelt to? I put hip grabbers on , and have re-attached the lapbelt to the furthest back bolt on the hip grabber. When I crank it down its almost horizontal across the boat. When I lean forward I don't lift off the seat, but my butt aint pressed against the backrest as much... does this matter?

Do folks have their lap belts attached a little further back, IE where the back rest is? or does it really matter all that much?

I haven't tried it on water yet, thought I'd ask first.

Sauteing food

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:32 am
by Mike W.
I have the lapbelts in the front holes where the yak seat used to be on both of my conversions. They are both Wavesports, a Big EZ & a Forplay.

Is it horizontal when you're in it? My seats are 8" high, so the tops of my things are above the rim & the belts do a good job of holding me down. Then again, I am a larger gentleman :roll:

Here are photos of the Forplay: ... /my_photos

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:13 pm
by kneeler
I attach mine about even with my back-rest so that the belt extends forward before crossing my lap. I stay locked in the seat prettty good.

I use an airplane seatbelt. I drill two holes in the release gate and attach a practice golf ball (a mini wiffle ball) to allow me to find the release the buckle easily with either hand.

To attach the seatbelt, I use 2 pieces of aluminum mounted with one on the inside and one on the outside of the boat with 2 bolts to distribute the pressure on the hull. I learned this the hard way by pulling a bolt through the boat.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:31 pm
by msims
Mike, the belt is almost horizontal when it's on. My seat's 6.5".... I think I'll give it a go where I've got it... esp after kneeler's story... although I may put a larger washer on. If I find I still am blaming the boat that I can't roll I'll move it back a bit ;-)

Thanks,,. Mike.