my first wobblies..

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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C Boater
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Joined: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:40 pm

my first wobblies..

Post by michielv »

Hi all,

Yup, the newbie has finally really been paddling (if you can call it that... ;) ) a C-1!

At yesterdays' pool session I got a chance to try my instructor's C-1 (a Wavesport transformer T1, with a Perception C-1 seat) and I can safely say that I haven't been as wobbly in a boat for ages! Boy, this is hard, just paddling in a straight line takes effort.

But, it sure was fun and I was not alone in this: two young freestylers also gave it a go and one of them was serious enough about it to want some more.

Hats off to you guys who can actually paddle like this and I hope I will be able to this summer.


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